MSNBC Airs Ridiculous Palestinian Propaganda And Presents It As Factual – Forced To Apologize – IOTW Report

MSNBC Airs Ridiculous Palestinian Propaganda And Presents It As Factual – Forced To Apologize

MSNBC shiiteheads showed a series of maps detailing how all of Israel was under complete Palestinian control in 1946 – which is, of course, absurd. But this is how in the tank MSNBC is in their anti-Jew stance.

Their apology is unacceptable. This is the only apology that would be:

As leftists, we cannot be trusted to present accurate information because our agenda is more important than reality. We are anti-Israel, and we are anti-America. We apologize for aligning ourselves with crazy people who are anti-gay, anti-women, on constant war-footing, anti-freedom, anti-liberty, pro-rape, violent and theocrats, but we can’t help it. Our hatred for America runs so deep that we just can’t help backing anyone who hates America with as much zeal as we do.




8 Comments on MSNBC Airs Ridiculous Palestinian Propaganda And Presents It As Factual – Forced To Apologize

  1. Green is their color. They put lime green vests on that say “Press” or “TV” and stab people, never understanding that they are actually making their best friends targets. Now every person covering their “plight” that wears one of those vests or shirts is a target. Maybe that map is from all the areas they kill innocents.

  2. funny, MSDNC somehow believes the Israeli’s say they ‘have every right to be in all these areas’ as something wrong, yet completely agree with illegal aliens in this country that actually say those exact words
    …funny, huh?

  3. Looks like standard “palestinian” propaganda. They may have lifted it from this “pro-palestinian” site (found on google images) or a similar one

    And I read a day or so ago that the arabs are now trying to declare the western Wall of the Temple Mount to be part of the al aqsa mosgue. They are pretending that the Wailing Wall is part of the “original” support for the mosque, just like they claim that there were no Jewish temples ever on the Temple Mount. It is expected that the UN will approve of the tactic, but it is also expected that the Israelis will ignore the bogus attempt at deception.

  4. the Filthy Moslem Savage “religion has always been all about stealing other peoples’ ideas.

    If a Filthy Moslem Savage ever had an original idea and a cold drink of water at the same time, it would kill him dead.

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