MSNBC- “We certainly have time for the economy to slow down ahead of the election” – IOTW Report

MSNBC- “We certainly have time for the economy to slow down ahead of the election”

MSNBC hoping the economy tanks in order to thwart any right-wing success at the polls.

THIS is treason.

16 Comments on MSNBC- “We certainly have time for the economy to slow down ahead of the election”

  1. If I tweeted, I’d be happy to create a hashtag to award a
    #Sore Os
    to the greatest A$$H*LE (of the moment) responsible
    for creating free market/free speech difficulties.

    But I don’t.
    SO…if anyone out there DOES tweet, please start a
    #Sore Os hashtag
    to bring focus – APPRECIATION! – of said persons.

    WHILE we have freedom of speech out there….

  2. If these people only knew how MUCH a sizeable percentage of us out here are waiting anxiously for the gloves to be pulled off!! SJW, leftists, BLM, Illegal Invaders, Deep State and on and on. It will be EPIC.

  3. NBC always cheers against America. But only for the last 70 years. NBC wants DEPLORABLES to suffer; I like to see NBC in pain! I admit it I am mean.

  4. So full of themselves, they only love the sound of their own voices. May these pseudo intellectuals suffer a life of irrelevance on an obscure cable channel, watched by few and admired by none…wait a minute!?

  5. I might (Key word – might) tune into NBC if the earth gets hit by a stray planet and knocked out of orbit and they are last source for a weather forecast but I refuse to listen to their biased, twisted, distorted stores that have nothing to do with news facts and mostly to do with opinions, and political soap box rants and dreams.

  6. Not treason. Just more evidence that the media is not objective, not impartial, and not interested in reporting news unless it fits a pre-crafted narrative.

  7. If Trump thinks he can get more than 3% economic growth, he’s dreaming

    Over the past decade, the economy has grown at an average of about 2% a year. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts an annual average of about 1.9% well into the next decade.

    The U.S. hasn’t had sustained real annual growth (that is, over inflation) of better than 3% since the 1990s, with a brief spurt in 2004 and 2005. Making up the difference from 2% to more than 3% looks like a pipe dream.

    Jason Furman, formerly the chief economist for the Obama White House (“it would require everything to go right … in ways that are either historically unparalleled or toward the upper end of the historical range”)

  8. It’s conspiracy theory to some extent, but the market actually does work in sevens to some degree. Crash of 2000 ended in 2001. 7 years later we have the 2008 crash that ended in 2009. 7 years later we had 2016, where the markets wobbled and there was a liquidity pinch and everyone thought the market was falling. It didn’t materialize. 7 years from 2016 puts us at 2023. Meh, I don’t necessarily believe it, but I keep it in the back of my head.


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