MSNBC: ‘We’re going to have to chloroform the Clintons to get them to stop talking’ – IOTW Report

MSNBC: ‘We’re going to have to chloroform the Clintons to get them to stop talking’


Democrats have a little Clinton problem.

-CainTV: Oh dear.  It appears that at least some of the left-wing brain trust is getting sick of the excuses.  Yesterday, we featured a Morning Joe panel that was clearly fed up with Hillary’s constant deflection.  Now the dissatisfaction appears to be spreading.

The Democrats ran a loser and at least some of them know it.  They also seem to be aware that the Clintons’ less-than-gracious attitude isn’t doing the party any favors. Some of them are ready to move on and it appears they’re ready to consign Bill and Hillary to history’s scrap heap.

As Business Insider’s Josh Barro told MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle it’s time to hear a lot less from the Clintons.


17 Comments on MSNBC: ‘We’re going to have to chloroform the Clintons to get them to stop talking’

  1. “Nooooo! It’s MY turn! I EARNED this! I put up with Bill’s wandering di*k! I shilled for that idiot Barack 0bama! I pretended to be a New Yorker and slurped down mountains of their disgusting ethnic food running for Senator! I FU*KING EARRRRRRRRRNED THIS! It’s my RIIIIIGHT!”

  2. The Clintons’ fortunes are tied to remaining politically relevant. There was no chance of reversing the results in the recounts, and there was no chance of changing the vote of the electoral college. The Clintons have to blame the Russians, the media, Comey and whatever/whoever they can because they cannot afford to have the perception that Hillary was corrupt and unacceptable to the voters be the story.

    Donations to the Clinton Foundation are down. Bill is not getting the speaking fees he used to command. If the Clintons are no longer relevant, there is no need to funnel money their way for pay to play.

    Bill and Hillary Clinton are the ultimate political animals, and up to now they knew how to survive and thrive. The fact that Hillary lost the Presidential election was damaging to the Clinton brand, but not as damaging as the reasons she lost – Hillary was corrupt, unethical and too egalitarian even for Democrats. But they cannot afford to retire gracefully, nor is it their style to do so.

  3. They should both wake up on a rusty cargo ship anchored one half mile off the coast of Alaska.
    Laminated cards will explain that they are on the decommissioned coastal cargo ship the Sea Sprite, which will be their home for the remainder of their days.
    The cards say:
    The anchors are bolted to the bedrock on the bottom, the ship will stay steady in most seas.
    There are provisions for two people for twenty years in the hold.
    There is a satellite phone that dials emergency medical staff only.
    There are warm clothes and bedding in with the supplies.
    There are four snipers stationed on shore at all times.
    Twice a day a patrol boat will chum the waters around the boat.
    The closest civilization is eighty miles, and four river crossings away.
    Let them rot there.
    No electricity, no running water, no contact with the outside world.

  4. I vote to give them one last adventure. Take them both, handcuffed and shackled, with their arms behind their backs, on a plane trip in a cargo jet over the mid Pacific, and shove them out the cargo door from 20000 feet. While the humane thing would be to put parachutes on them, naw…we don’t care to be humane with Cankles and Billie Jeff. Send them out the back with nothing on. Just don’t look at them or you may never sleep again.

  5. Remind me, wasn’t “” set up to say no more attention needs to be paid to the criminal behavior of a certain Clinton. Perhaps they should go to work again to tell the Clintons to STFU.

    Seriously, the Hildabeast should be doing all of her talking from behind three inches of plexiglas in a maximum security federal penitentiary. Her guilt is incontrovertible. Trump MUST bring charges or justice will not be done.

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