MSNBC’s Katy Tur Suggests Fetterman is Presidential Material – IOTW Report

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Suggests Fetterman is Presidential Material

Fox News

MSNBC host Katy Tur speculated on Wednesday that Pennsylvania Senator-Elect John Fetterman could run for the presidency someday. More

37 Comments on MSNBC’s Katy Tur Suggests Fetterman is Presidential Material

  1. I like my presidents tumor-free, stroke-free, woke-free, disease-free, jab-free, pedo-free, DOJ-free, politically-free, China-free, Ukraine-free, green-free, globalist-free, and, last but certainly not least, Uniparty-free.

  2. The retarded pedophile Joetato has opened the door of the Presidency (or, at least, the Usurpation of the Presidency) to every head-slapping moron and nose-picking imbecile in, or out of, America.

    Yay! The descent continues – and America watches with her thumb up her ass.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Let us see . . . It’s got Electro Lights, Mountains of Trash, Mini-Me Money Grubbers, Plastic Anchors, Green Goblin Gangs, IQ lowering booster shots . . .

    Some Say Signs Do Come True

  4. Something fucky in the Turs genes:
    “Katy Tur’s biological father is Emmy Award-winning journalist Zoey Tur, who transitioned in 2013. She has been critical of Donald Trump, calling him a “fascist” and “mentally ill.” The Tur’s relationship has been rocky with the two not speaking for years.”

  5. Anyone remember Dan Quayle? After the way they destroyed his reputation back thirty years ago, the media must apologize to him for the way they treated him. Look at all of the misstatements Biden has made and now the Fetterman guy cannot make a coherent sentence! How the hell can they even pretend to make a serious argument that Fetterman is presidential material? I want reparations from the media for all the time I lost watching their c r a p !


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