MTG bullied Biden into saying, “Lincoln Riley was kiIIed by an illegal” – IOTW Report

MTG bullied Biden into saying, “Lincoln Riley was kiIIed by an illegal”

The moment Joe Biden gave every Republican in America the sound bite, they needed to beat him this November. -Goes off script -Admits Laken Riley was murdered by an illegal -Follows it by admitting thousands are dying at the hands of illegals. Shocking.

22 Comments on MTG bullied Biden into saying, “Lincoln Riley was kiIIed by an illegal”

  1. Watched nanny piglousy explain away Brandon’s use of “illegal” describing the murderer of Laken Riley. Love to hear her whistle through her ill fitting dentures. Bet she can’t say suffering succotash is delicious on Sundays and sometimes Saturdays. She’s so sad.

  2. We must fund Ukraine, Putin this, Russia that, or lose our democracy, just like we almost lost it on Jan 6th when my predecessor (because he’s too weak to say TRUMP) blahblahbah.. NATOscam this and that..

    That’s all the mumbling idiot said and it was about 40 minutes past 9PM already, nothing to do with the state of OUR union and reinforcing division.

    ..Rich people only pay 8% tax which is a lie, and their taxes will go up, but middle class won’t. Then he’s going to raise the corporate tax rate — What moron believes that’s not a tax on ALL Americans? Fucker is actually saying he’s going to enforce a WEALTH tax on the rich because he got that 8% figure based on unrealized gains. 25% wealth tax, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, yeah, that’s really pro-America, pffffffft. Just come out and say it already, democrats hate success. And I’ll just leave inflation alone right now since that’s a whole new paragraph, lol.

    timcast had a slur counter, I think they counted 120-something slurs in his speech, plus the ones they missed.

  3. “…thousands are dying at the hands of illegals.”

    …as intended.

    That’s what REPLACEMENT means.

    …just wait until they have the PDs and military fully stocked with people who have and want no connection to this country.

    THEN you’ll see some killing.

    All according to plan…

  4. Did jackass joey actually call Laken Riley Lincoln Riley? I didn’t bother to listen to the SOTU speech as I had better things to do to maintain my sanity and not listen to bidumb lie about everything. If I had zero respect for him before last night I have far less than a negative respect for this lying POS fake excuse for a presidunce. Hey ho, joe the shmo has got to go!

  5. Always tries to make a tragic death about Beau….
    and why not have a “flat tax”….

    Everyone (individuals/businesses) pays a flat rate (10-20%)….make it fair.

  6. They’re importing Third Worlders so we can be just like them. If we survive?
    Not to mention the $1 trillion being spent every 100 days that we do not have,
    Zimbabwe here we come.
    I’m wondering if the illegals will self deport after our country is in ruins?

  7. Marooned – Johnson shoulda turned his copy of that rant into spit balls and shot ’em at the back of the old coot’s head with an old BIC pen housing every time he lied!

  8. No doubt that she bullied the rotten old kiddie queer into saying her name… wrong, which just makes the oozing prolapsed rectum of a pedophile in chief look the worse.

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