MTG reveals disturbing new details about “white slavery” ring Hunter Biden is linked to – IOTW Report

MTG reveals disturbing new details about “white slavery” ring Hunter Biden is linked to

Revolver: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene just finished reading over 2,000 pages of financial reports on the Biden family. The in depth report revealed a lot, including how the Biden’s received millions of dollars through LLC’s from Burisma and Ukraine. The ties the Biden’s have to Ukraine are strong and run very deep.

In addition to the Ukraine and Burisma LLC’s, there were also many others used to reportedly launder money from foreign countries and make payments to the “Big Guy” and other Biden family members. They had a well-oiled system running to keep the family funds flowing.

But one of the most curious LLC’s MTG learned about was called “Owasco.” This is the LLC that Hunter owned and what he used to pay his steady stream of prostitutes. Many of those prostitutes were actually from Russia and Ukraine, which doesn’t seem all that odd, until you discover the group Hunter booked his sex through was actually a white slavery ring. more

8 Comments on MTG reveals disturbing new details about “white slavery” ring Hunter Biden is linked to

  1. ^^^ it wouldn’t surprise me a bit, were it to be learned that his ‘no yellow’ rule wasn’t his choice, but that he was told by his chinese handlers to keep chinese out of his debauchery. They knew what he was doing, They fed it to him, knowing the power of blackmail.


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