MTG’s Reply to Unindicted Coup Plotter Adam Schiff’s Feeble Defense – IOTW Report

MTG’s Reply to Unindicted Coup Plotter Adam Schiff’s Feeble Defense

Liberty Daily

Representative Adam Schiff faces expulsion from Congress for his plethora of lies during the Russiagate saga. As he is wont to do, he has been gaslighting with his defense of the indefensible, rewriting history on Twitter and through campaign fundraiser emails.

Here’s what he posted yesterday:

A MAGA Republican Member of Congress just filed a motion to expel me from the U.S. House of Representatives. I stood up to Donald Trump and held extreme MAGA forces accountable. Now they want payback. They’ll go after anyone who defends the rule of law.

I’m not backing down. Are you with me?

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) May 18, 2023

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene wasn’t having it. She replied to Schiff in a very direct manner, cutting straight to the chase and going beyond even expulsion as her desired action against Schiff:

You put our country through hell trying to remove a sitting US President by lying for years through the “Russia Russia Russia” hoax. You should be expelled and thrown in jail. MORE

13 Comments on MTG’s Reply to Unindicted Coup Plotter Adam Schiff’s Feeble Defense

  1. Why/How is Adam Schiff still in office after 4 years of “I have proof of Russia collusion by the President.”
    If we had an HONEST media and a fair country – Schiff for brains would be questioned incessantly and ousted immediately.

  2. MTG wants co-sponsors for her impeachments. But that means giving your name and e-mail to the weaponized government. I really want to do this but what do you think Garland will do after what he’s done to J6ers? Every republican in congress should sign but only a handful will. God help us.

  3. Do you really think it will happen? I think the probability of it happening is between none and 0%. This is just kabuki theater by the Republifarts to make their base think they have any intention of doing something to reverse over a century of unlawful behavior by Congress.

  4. John Zonk,

    Do you happen to be physically fit, carry a Tiki Torch, and wear khaki pants by any chance?

    Love how you feds give us your insurrection inspired two cents worth…

    Ask the Pedo about trying to entrap whiteye Christen “nationalists” and tell your faggot bitch boy Gutless Garland I said hi.

  5. Thirdtwin: Gowdy talked big but did nothing. MTG put herself off the line with this.

    That being said, while MTG put forth the measure to remove Schiff from the House, we all know he isn’t facing anything. Unless there are some Democrats who are as tired of the corruption as we are and are willing to do what it takes to stop it, MTG’s effort will go nowhere — but that does not alter the fact that she took positive action rather than bloviate.

  6. RadioMattM, that whole thing with her and Kevin McCarthy when he became Speaker was unseemly, at least from the pictures and commentary I read. But that could have just been out of context photos and innuendo designed to undermine her credibility or drive a wedge between her and her supporters.

    I wonder what ever happened to that leftist douchebag who SWATed her and bragged about it.

  7. Instead of jail, I’d love to see Schiff’s bug eyes protrude a little more as he does an “air dance” at the end of a rope.


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