Mueller Compromises With President – IOTW Report

Mueller Compromises With President

Last night, reports surfaced that Robert Mueller’s investigators are now willing to accept written answers from the president on whether his campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016. The communications between legal teams did not specify the same consideration regarding questions on obstruction with justice investigation. More

8 Comments on Mueller Compromises With President

  1. Mr. President – listen to Mr. Dershowitz.

    Say nothing. Write nothing. Mueller is laying traps – nothing more – he has no interest in “truth” (if he even recognized the term), justice, or America.

    If you feel compelled to say something, say: “Speak to my attorney” or stick to name, rank, and serial number.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 1, Did you collude with Russians?


    2, Is collusion with Russians illegal yet?


    3, Who outed Valarie Plane?
    A, George Bush
    B, Dick Cheney
    C, Scooter Libby

    None of the above

    Richard Armitige


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