Mueller defends Barr: Says no contradiction on obstruction, releases document to provide more context – IOTW Report

Mueller defends Barr: Says no contradiction on obstruction, releases document to provide more context

WaEx: Special counsel Robert Mueller released a document comparing his assertions about obstruction of justice to what Attorney General William Barr said about it.

Mueller delivered a public address about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election on Wednesday, after which some politicians and pundits argued the special counsel contradicted Barr.

Hours later, NBC News obtained a copy of the document and shared it on MSNBC.

MSNBC’s Ari Melber, who revealed the existence of the document, said it shows Mueller’s office “contrasts” Barr’s assertion about obstruction. In a follow-up tweet, he cited a special counsel source who said it provides the quotes to show there is “no conflict” between Mueller’s and Barr’s statements.

NBC News’ Julia Ainsley further explained the document during a segment on MSNBC.

“He [Mueller] did not contradict. We went back to the Special Counsel’s Office today and said, “Did you contradict what the attorney general said when he said that ‘if it had not been for that opinion, you would have charged’?” Ainsley said. “And they said, ‘We’re not contradicting, but we’re providing more context that’ — It’s not even point. They didn’t even make a decision because they didn’t look at this like a prosecution. They didn’t walk down that road because they stopped because of this opinion,” she added.

The document contains quotes from Barr’s press conference before the release of Mueller’s report in April, Mueller’s address Wednesday, and a paragraph from his report. It appears to be a response to all the rapid interpretations of Mueller’s remarks. Some people, including former Gov. Chris Christie, argued Mueller contradicted what Barr said about obstruction.  read more

10 Comments on Mueller defends Barr: Says no contradiction on obstruction, releases document to provide more context

  1. The hideous scarecrow is trying to dance on the head of a pin with that convoluted attempt to garble his original statement further.
    Will Miss Lindsey issue a subpoena? No he won’t, after all “Bob has served this nation honorably”

  2. Robespierre Mueller is delusional if he thinks that he can avoid spending the next year testifying before all of those ravenous Congressional Committees. It will quickly become apparent that he delegated most of this work to his Committee of Public Safety, and all of those Clinton Supporters on Mueller’s staff will find themselves testifying in a dozen public hearings. At some point, their prejudices and biases will be revealed. Until then, the Grand Illusion of Trump’s Obstruction will continue to be a substitute for the Russian Collusion Delusion.

  3. Herr Mueller’s entire scheme yesterday was to incite the continuation of the Democrat inspired witch hunt for the next two years. It is hard to govern when the leftist dirtbags are continually beating their feces covered drums in your face!

  4. Mueller had no reason to make any statement at all.

    And his bs’ing looked nervous.

    This coming after supposed “negotiations” about testifying to Congress. He came off like a man who is caught by threats coming from opposing sides.

    I guess that he’s got stuff being held over his head too.

    Obama Inc. collected a “database” of information on a whole lot of people and set up this country to be turned into a police state. (Or did you think that — tada! — tens of thousands of employees in our “weaponized” law enforcement and bureaucratic agencies just suddenly and magically up and decided to all march in lock-step to an anti-American, pro-Muslim, pro-communism, ignore-pay-for-play agenda… all simply because the incongruously otherwise-incompetent Zero, partnered with that beloved and charismatic Hag somehow sent them all telepathic messages?)


    Yawhol! It is what the UNIPARTY has worked for since 10/16! Rove’s boys )Not Karl, he wants his hands “clean”) will attack Don over and over agin. Hoping to get him “primaried”!


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