Mueller might be prevented from sending special report to congress – IOTW Report

Mueller might be prevented from sending special report to congress


A little-noticed court case stemming from the apparent murder of a Columbia University professor six decades ago could keep special counsel Robert Mueller from publishing any information about the Trump campaign and Russia that he obtains through a Washington grand jury.

…if a Washington appeals court set to hear the murder-related case next month sides with the Justice Department and rules that judges don’t have the freedom to release grand jury information that is usually kept secret, it could throw a monkey wrench into any plans Mueller has to issue a public report on his probe’s findings, lawyers following the issue said.

And it might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings against the president.

“It is a sleeper case,” Harvard Law professor Alex Whiting said. “If the D.C. Circuit were to accept the Department of Justice’s arguments…that would have potentially enormous implications for the future of the information from the Mueller investigation. That could close out a path by which that information becomes public.”


ht/ really enraged


12 Comments on Mueller might be prevented from sending special report to congress

  1. @ LBS: In my “paranoia”, induced by what we’re learning, daily, about the swamp, I’m wondering if I should wonder if this is another scam to give Mueller an excuse for being unable to “prove” anything against President Trump. He could claim he “has it” but that precedent keeps him from revealing anything.

    DAMN but I HATE thinking like this!!

  2. Mueller might prefer this option. His report is likely to be embarrassing. Or should be / would be to a normal person. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent to find Trump/Russian collusion, none found, and all he and his team have done is go godfather mafia style making a deal they couldn’t refuse on a few Trump associates. Perhaps worse than the mafia who I’ve read generally view family as off limits and only go savage on other wise guys. It has been reported Michael Cohen may have agreed to a plea deal. to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit, to keep Mueller from going after his wife. Threatening to also put her in prison.

  3. Mark Levin made an interesting comment on Hannity tonight. he stated that any Grand Jury leaked testimony is inadmissible in court, being that Grand Jury testimony is without legal council … the Mueller team has leaked tons of GJ testimony to the press these last 2 years

    all this Kabuki Theater is nothing more than a grandiose attempt to persuade public opinion to side w/ removal of Trump by the legislative arm of the government, ala Nixon … they did it once, they hope to do it again

  4. i have it from a reliable source that by this time next week, sessions and rosie will be history. They’re FIRED. and replaced by a member of Trumps cabinet. The Federal Vacancies Reform Act allows a President to designate as “acting” Attorney General, anyone from his Senate-confirmed cabinet and Trump will do that shortly.


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