Mueller Report Shatters Credibility of Steele Dossier – IOTW Report

Mueller Report Shatters Credibility of Steele Dossier

ET: In addition to clearing President Donald Trump of all allegations of colluding with Russia, special counsel Robert Mueller’s final report removed any remaining credibility from the infamous Steele dossier, which fueled some of the wildest speculations about alleged ties between Trump, his associates, and the Kremlin.

The public first became of the aware of the dossier and its contents on Jan. 10, 2017, after BuzzFeed News published the document online without verifying any of its contents. In the more than two years since the dossier’s publication, the unverified claims have served as the foundation of the Trump–Russia narrative generated by the legacy media, anti-Trump politicians, and Obama administration officials.

As more evidence surfaced challenging the credibility of the dossier, including the fact that it was funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Trump’s opponents clung to the dossier hoping that Mueller’s investigation would blow open the seditious conspiracy outlined by the dossier’s author, former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele.

But instead of nailing Trump, Mueller’s 400-page report hammered the final nail in the coffin of the dossier. The Epoch Times cross-referenced 103 specific damaging claims related to Trump and his campaign in the Steele dossier against the special counsel’s report. The report did not confirm, nor provide, any evidence for any of the claims.

Whether Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein directed Mueller to specifically investigate the claims in the dossier remains concealed beneath redactions in Rosenstein’s scope memo. What is no longer concealed is the fact that the FBI used the dossier to investigate the Trump campaign before Rosenstein appointed Mueller.

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