Mueller’s Investigation is Dead – IOTW Report

Mueller’s Investigation is Dead


Like a headless turkey running around in circles, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anti-Trump investigation is dead, even if he does not yet realize it. While his investigation stumbles onward, with life support provided by the biased media, from a legal perspective the viability of any criminal case that Mueller could possibly bring has been effectively gutted thanks to the news (suppressed for months by Mueller’s team) that the FBI’s “key agent” in both the Russia investigation and the Clinton email probe was an ardent Hillary supporter with an anti-Trump bias.

Under federal law, a prosecutor is required “to disclose exculpatory and impeachment information to criminal defendants and to seek a just result in every case.” Specifically, pursuant to Giglio v. United States, prosecutors are obligated to provide defendants with impeachment evidence, which includes, according to the DOJ’s guidelines, evidence of a witness’s biases, “[a]nimosity toward defendant,” or “[a]nimosity toward a group of which the defendant is a member or with which the defendant is affiliated.”

As a result, in any prosecution brought by Mueller against a Republican target, defense counsel would be entitled under the Constitution to all evidence in the government’s possession relevant to exploring the apparent biases of FBI agent Peter Strzok and his animosity toward Trump and the Republican Party. This, in and of itself, could be a case-killer because it is very unlikely that Mueller or the DOJ would want defense counsel poring through all the records and documents, emails, and texts in the DOJ’s and Strzok’s possession revealing the agent’s biases since this could fatally undermine any other cases or investigations the agent has worked on—such as the FBI’s decision to recommend charging General Flynn with lying to federal agents even though Hillary Clinton’s besties, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, were given a free pass despite apparently doing the same thing.


29 Comments on Mueller’s Investigation is Dead

  1. Wong how wong can you be silly wabit. Today they had an expert on NPR, who said Mooler was going to write a report to congress as soon as he finds out how many Russians bought Trump condos.

  2. It might be dead as far as pursuing President Trump is concerned, but it looks like it has opened some avenues for some scrutiny of the left side of the aisle. Wouldn’t that be great if this is their Waterloo? If the elephants blow this opportunity to stick it up their ass they are hopeless.

  3. Interesting to me that Revelations is also the last book of the Bible. haahahaha!

    So Ohr was wearing two hats; one of which he “forgot” to tell his superiors that he met with the Fusion GPS people (twice!) and the other in which he had the ability to quash any regular oversight to his other job. That’s some pretty damning evidence against him in addition to his anti-Trump bias.

    And Strzok? Where to start, right? Jim Jordan’s line of questioning and his remarkable “hunch” has to be right. He’s no dummy, either. He must have got hold of something that leads him make such hard charging allegations about Strzok, because not even Jordan would stick his neck that far out without something to back up his claims.

    And just think, it is less than a year since POTUS Trump assumed office. Winning!

  4. And we haven’t even heard the testimony yet from the FBI informant on Uranium One. Bribery, kickbacks, extortion, money laundering….

    As it turns out, swamps can be drained.

  5. To declare this investigation dead is underestimating the resolve of your enemy. These ass holes won’t quit until we have them on the run and shooting them in the streets. I’m not joking.

  6. BB — Perhaps true, but don’t underestimate the resolve of the Freedom Caucus members who sit on the Judiciary and other oversight committees. It’s their turn to be emboldened by the green light shining out of 1600. You know, the one with the lion’s head in the center of it? LOL!

  7. Sundance . . . As soon as CTH saw the name Judge Rudolph Contreras our spidey sense alarm bells began ringing. You know why?…

  8. AA, The Freedom Caucus has done nothing but proves to be a bunch of cowardly back stabbing sunsabitchs from day one of Trumps presidency. With one exception. Jim Jordan.

  9. Charlie WalksonWater — haa! Yeah, Contreras probably decided he’d rather keep his paycheck than fall on the sword for the FBI. Too funny! Very interesting, too, that his (random) replacement is Emmett Sullivan. He was supposed to be the judge to get to the bottom of the email server scandal.

  10. Anonymous? How did I get there? Anyway, I’m not trying to justify the cop shooting the guy running from him in the earlier story, just raising the possibility that the cop has been fighting a war. If we are going to have them on the run and shooting them in the streets (I could endorse that) as in a war, that could be what the cop was doing.

  11. I am personally convinced the Libtard/Rhino Uniparty machine will either try and perp walk Trump or “End” him before his first term is over. And I don’t watch Alex Jones.

  12. I’m almost surprised Trump is still with us. I think part of the reason he is, is because he has been so effective so far and that the enemy realizes how obvious it would be to remove him from office would amount to a coup that they are afraid to start a civil war. I’ll join Trumps army.

  13. joe6pak,

    It might be dead as far as pursuing President Trump is concerned, but it looks like it has opened some avenues for some scrutiny of the left side of the aisle. Wouldn’t that be great if this is their Waterloo? If the elephants blow this opportunity to stick it up their ass they are hopeless.

    You are still operating under the false premise that the D’s and the R’s are separate entities.

    They are UNI-PARTY. They won’t pursue anything that will ultimately confirm themselves as the traitors that Trump has already proved they truly are.

  14. They’ve managed to strip a year off the clock wasting a lot of time and money trying to get to the Mid-Terms with a so-called “scandal”. Now we need to spend the next 3 years showing the American people just exactly what they get by electing dishonest, ass-grabbing, lying, character-assasinating, no-morals, hypocritical democRAT scoundrels along with their bought and paid for dirty Media Enablers and a thoroughly corrupt FBI!

  15. @The Rat Fink December 8, 2017 at 6:55 am

    > Now we need to spend the next 3 years showing the American people just exactly what they get by electing dishonest, ass-grabbing, lying, character-assasinating, no-morals, hypocritical democRAT scoundrels along with their bought and paid for dirty Media Enablers and a thoroughly corrupt FBI!

    You mis-re-spelled “Democrat”. So you, obviously, copy/pasted that right from the “Add to cart” description that The American people bought. Again. And again. And again. Because that’s what they want. Because that’s exactly what they got the last time they paid for it.

  16. If I were Kelly’s lawyer I’d be at the courthouse filing my motion to vacate the plea……and filing my motion to suppress any evidence obtained by government from any eavesdropping warrant.
    That should put a shudder into someone’s spine.
    Kelly took the plea to protect someone in his family judging by statement he made afterwards; if true, let him fight the indictment and let’s see what the gubmint’s cards are.

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