Muhammad Ali on Race- 1971 – IOTW Report

Muhammad Ali on Race- 1971

13 Comments on Muhammad Ali on Race- 1971

  1. Most people don’t realize the irony in Cassius clay proclaiming conversion to Mohammedanism to get conscientious objector status in order to get out of bring drafted for Vietnam.

    Mohammedanism is a religion if hate and violence

  2. Ali liked to call himself “beautiful.”

    We all remember it.

    The irony is that his ancestors were both black AND white.

    He was a ‘brown man’ (the predominate skin color on Earth).

    So, he’s actually making the case that mixing so called races produces a superior person – which is exactly the long-run prediction of many geneticists and anthropologists regarding Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

    Come back in 1000 years – we will be of one, brown ‘race’ and the term ‘race’ will have disappeared.

  3. @Mansfield

    You only think you know how ironic that is. Let me fill in the blanks

    There actually is a very famous Muslim named Muhammad Ali who was Wali of Egypt 200 years ago. Among his accomplishments was to re establish Egypt as the most important area of the ummah. He was, in fact, more important than the Ottoman Caliph. In fact, he is probably one of the 10 most important Muslims of the past 500 years

    One of the highlights of his career was his invasion of Sudan in pursuit of .. get this .. black slaves. During this episode Muhammad Ali ordered the terroristic annihilation of the Sudani Ganj tribe — 30,000 Persons of Melatonin Enhancemet killed in the most horrible way imaginable. But hey, he send a message to Sudan — dont fuck with me

    Some other fun facts about this guy — he had personal monopoly over the Sudanese slave trade, which probably makes him the greatest slaveholder in human history

    Naturally, our intellectual and moral superiors will be getting all over this. Well of course they will. Indeed they’re putting their top men on it … Top men

  4. He was a clever guy, but he was a little crazy.

    His premise is flawed: he assumes people of different races are always raised by people of their own race. It’s all about socio-economics, Ali, you arrogant fool.

  5. Oops, the name of the tribe was the Funj, not Ganj — Funj.

    Oh, and I checked out the efforts of our moral superiors to bring this horror to light. If you check Wikipedia’s entry about Muhammad Ali of Egypt you’ll find .. zero, zip, nada. There is a link there to “Egyptian Conquest of Sudan”, where you’ll find a sentence devoted to this event — if you know where to look.

    Almost as if they didn’t want a whole lot of attention paid to this atrocity

  6. Things have way less to do with color as they do with culture. Some of the black culture characteristics is what people find offensive. Those that conduct themselves with manners and consideration are set upon by other blacks as acting like whitey.
    Blacks have a very different view of many things without regard to facts no matter how glaring, as an example the OJ Simpson trial. They almost universally cheered although he was clearly guilty.

  7. … then along came “diversity”, “the New Math”, “Political Correctness”, “Common Core”, 57 genders, Up is Down and Down is Up. Leftists have finally “nudged” us ’round the bend!


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