Muhammad Ali was a black separatist – IOTW Report

Muhammad Ali was a black separatist

Ali had strong beliefs about race mixing. He was against it.

I’m not really sure if he contemplated whether race mixing had already occurred many centuries before this interview took place. His point about birds flocking with birds of a feather doesn’t take into account that there are different colored birds within the same bird type, like budgies, for instance,  and they mate and hang around with each other.

Exit question:

Would we all be better off sticking with our own?

ht/ mm


51 Comments on Muhammad Ali was a black separatist

  1. Yes we would be better off “sticking with our own”

    Would it be utopia? Of course not. But the race that is committing 7x the crime on whites v vice versa would only be a positive, excluded. My experience tells me that I’m much happier living with people of my race to the exclusion of others.

    Ali is 100% correct and why we would question his(or mine) logic is crazy. Tell e why I’m wrong.

    Separate but equal(or as equal as an 80 IQ group ca be)

  2. I grew up in SoCal within a mile of the gym Jerry Quarry trained at. My father was a huge fight fan and we use to see Quarry doing his road work all the time. My dad hates Ali. Well Quary turned out to be the Great White Dope and as time went on my dad softened on Ali. Certainly not because of his mouth. That guy was one hell of an athlete. Towards the end of Ali’s career he actually became a fan. I watched Ali in complete amazement of his athletic ability. Politics aside, he was the best boxer of all time. It would have been awesome to see him in the ring with one of the best two fighters ever. Tyson or Marciono.

  3. I can’t imagine the headache and grief you would get from both sides of the family if you marry inter-racially.

    Face it, race relations are at an all time low.
    Who wants to be around a group of people who blame you for all of societies ills?

  4. I’m so sick of the celebrity worship in this country. Muhammad Ali was an athlete with a huge mouth who refused to serve in Vietnam. Obama writes an op Ed about how great the guy was and when Chris Kyle dies he’s completely silent.

  5. Ali beat Sonny Liston twice….Sonny Listen was living in Denver and married to a white woman. He then moved to a suburb of Denver to escape the wrath of both the black and white communities because he was married to a white girl. So, where does the color line stop?…Sonny Listen was a very BAD man…bad as is bad ass…he probably threw one of the Ali fights and owed something to the mob and was later murdered….Read up on it, it’s very interesting….

  6. Has Tiger Woods weighed in yet on Muhammad Ali’s exit from this terrestrial existence?

    I’ve been busy roasting and smoking a pig for tomorrow’s Ramadan Bar-B-Q in Philly.

  7. Jon, and on the flip side of the argument I just want to enjoy him for the great athlete he was. It wasn’t like anybody was taking his advice on political shit anyway. And if you don’t think this guy had balls remember this, Ken Norton (my second favorite fighter) broke Ali’s jaw half way through a fight. Ali finished the fight. Lost it in a decision. Shit.

  8. Willy, I consider Sugar Ray the second best Boxer of all time with Ali being first. I loved watching Sugar Ray.
    You know MMA really screwed up a great sport. I’m pissed about that.

  9. Given the current state of affairs, I agree with Ali. Blacks, by and large, aren’t helping out US society much. And they spend an inordinate amount of time pissing and moaning and blaming others for problems most whites and Asians deal with as a matter of course. If they think heading off to Liberia and living a glorious life of black “independence’, then, by all means, be our guests.

  10. Brad, Ali was special, he was great. I don’t think he could have beat Liston if Liston hadn’t thrown that fight…True. Liston was a crusher and Ali was young….There’s an urban legend in the Denver area about Liston killing a guy with one punch….I don’t know, debate is good…

  11. MMA is an ugly sport that I can’t look away from just like watching the big wreck in NASCAR. And they will kill their own sport if they continue with the multiple tile nonesense….

  12. Willy, I love the science. My favorite sport ever. And my favorite conflict with in that sport is boxer vs fighter. Always leaned towards the fighters. Damn it was awesome watching Tyson in his prime in the title unification quest. He went to hell after Cuss died. He called Cuss’s wife mom until she died. I’m tired of mixing politics with athletes. That’s not why we watch them.

  13. Willy I disagree about MMA in a big way. You’ve got these no talent ground and pound son of a bitches crawling out of the wood work willing to take a beating for a pay check. Put them in a ring with a mediocre fighter and let’s see how long they last. I HATE MMA. And keep in mind I went through school as a wrestler. There’s no discipline. There’s no sex in their violence. Shit I guess I’m officially old.

  14. Brad, I was talking about Sugar Ray ROBINSON….I think you and I were 7or 8 years old when he retired in 1965 and he was 8 years past his prime, at least. HE might have been the greatest boxer ever and neither you nor I saw him in his prime….we weren’t born yet…..I got it all from videos and first hand accounts….Sugar Ray Robinson was special…beyond compare….

  15. Willy, I know exactly who you are talking about. I think you think I was confusing him with Leonard. I wasn’t. By no means an expert I love the game and can watch endless black and white footage. And yes Tyson in his prime, in my opinion was unbeatable. A fighter. Damn what a great sport.

  16. Bad Brad, Jerry Quarry was one of my favorites. He could knock people out with body punches. Hell of a left hook.

    Sugar Ray is buried in the same cemetery as my grandmother, one of the biggest tombstones there.

  17. Oh man Willy, we are right down to the most important things in life. I love this. No way. The fighter always beats the boxer. Man how much would you give to sit ring side for that fight. If Cuss would have live longer and Rooney would not have bailed on Tyson, he’d still be knocking muther fuckers out. LOL.
    And yea that was all Don King.

  18. Unruly,
    I don’t think what the drive by fight fan realizes is back in the day all these fighters, black, white, brown, where all pals. They looked out after each other. Would have driven Obama to suicide. They were fighters before they were any specific color. That’s one of the reason why I love that game. Max Baer was not the ass hole he was portrade as in Cinerella Man. He was actually a kind giving man. Just sayen..

  19. Willy, notice a couple of those Cock Sucking basement dwellers show up tonight to give me some TDs. Makes sence actually, these women would never understand physical combat. I guess I should not of said anything but here we are talking about gifted athletes, heroic men, I need to suffer has Beens and never was ass holes. That’s ok, safe in the basement.

  20. Brad, Max jr (Jethro Bodine) hates that movie. His father only killed one man in the ring, not two as in the movie. Bear was a great fighter.
    That’s still one of my favorite boxing movies. They really did a lot of work on the fight moves. Great story too. I don’t know why Hollywood always has to fuck up every story they get a hold of.

  21. Unruly, Jethro had a right to be pissed. That was not factual. Nothing worse than some one lying about your father. And that’s exactly what they did.

  22. Brad, that was that little liberal prick Ron Howard. I’d like to see “Jethro” stomp the shit out of him for that.

    I see I spelled his name wrong, it’s Baer, not Bear.

  23. Unruly, Factual portrayals of the truth have never been big with guys like little Ronie Howard. When the lyn hinge start, ah never mind. I hate that muther fucker. Please more thumbs down faggots. LOL, sooner or later we will meet.

  24. Just sayen, shits coming down soon, I wish Tommy and Unruly were closer to me. Just being honest, thumb me down to your hearts content faggots. If there is any justice in the world, one day I will meet these pricks, and I will video tape them bowing down. Faggots.

  25. The thumbs down option is a bad idea. Like giving a free attack tool to the progtarded degenerates. I’ve gotten one or two TD’s, one was probably from an atheist when I mentioned something about the Bible. I can’t see a useful purpose other than giving the trolls hell, but they will just use it right back. It’s kind of like an anonymous insult. In Discus you can see who gives the thumbs up, I don’t recall if it lets you see the downers or not. Take the anonymity away and most of that will probably stop.

  26. God Damn it’s hard to get a word in here tonight.
    Brad. A true story.
    Years back a few of us construction workers met Jerry Quarry in a “Blarney Stone” Bar on 8th Avenue in NYC.
    He was a great guy and chatted away with us. My friend,
    Mike Murphy, who was about Jerry’s height and weigh, and even had the same jaw, really hit it off. Mike boxed in the Golden Gloves and they just chatted away. The rest of us just drank beer and let them alone.
    Next day Mike told me that Jerry invited him to spar at the gym he was training in. It was hush, hush, but they spared. Now Brad,how small a world is it?

  27. Tommy, they say seven degrees. But others say 5 degrees. Jerry was a very talented individual that was very vulnerable to the mind games. When he climbed in the ring with Ali he was convinced he would lose. Ken Norton did not suffer the same issue. If you watch old tapes, Jerry was a better fighter than Norton. Review their fight cards. Ali was just to bad ass at the mind games.

  28. Ali was right about one thing. Apparently he thanked God that his ancestors stepped onto that boat from Africa. Completely changed his world and his life.

  29. I’m tired of hearing about Ali. Just bury the man and be done with it. He’ll fade away from the news the day after he’s buried. Just bury him already, only then will I get some peace.

  30. My Dad hated Ali…until He offered to trade Himself for the Hostages in Iran…Then He softened a bit…Not Me, fug islam…He’s got His star of Fame hung high so People can’t can’t step on ole moohamed’s name.

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