Multiple allegations of widespread big pharma bribery in Australia – IOTW Report

Multiple allegations of widespread big pharma bribery in Australia

Centipede Nation: A few weeks ago, former Australian member of Parliament, Clive Palmer, came out and said lobbyists for Pfizer and AstraZeneca were making politicians push for booster jabs and tyrannical covid policies. In this new interview he gives a bit more detail about NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s decision to step down after being charged in a corruption probe that was apparently not related to Covid.

Palmer said that “She’s being directed by lobbyists in Sydney, who is being paid by AstraZeneca and by Pfizer tens of millions of dollars to get these policies through to make sure the vaccines get pushed… that’s my personal knowledge and I’m happy to make a statement here, to police, to anyone.” WATCH

6 Comments on Multiple allegations of widespread big pharma bribery in Australia

  1. Found in America’s Front-line Doctors…Think it’s only happening in Australia?

    I watched the first top video they have on their Home Page about a guy whose wife was slowly tortured and killed over two months in a New York hospital. You need to scroll down the Home Page to hit the video to watch it. It is well worth watching the full 60-minutes. If you don’t have time today, please make some time later. This must be seen to believe!

    I cannot believe what is happening now in Our Country and around the world. This is worse than the first Revolutionary War fought by Americans against the British Monarchy. Except now, it is with Big Pharma, various government/medical agencies, and the sheepish Media.


  2. The rot of corruption is in every capital in every state on Earth.
    That IS the point of politics, after all.
    This is why regular purges are required – to cleanse the colons of countries – and the capital is always the filthiest, rottenest, shitty-est, conduit of corruption.

    izlamo delenda est …

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