Murder Inequality? Does That Make Gun Rights Racist? – IOTW Report

Murder Inequality? Does That Make Gun Rights Racist?


Truth About Guns: “Despite New York’s reputation as the safest big city in America, some residents are far more at risk of meeting a violent end than others,” Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agit-propmeisters proclaim in their email blast. “An investigation by the Daily News underscores that young black and Latino men die most often by gun.” Yes, well . . .

that Daily News investigation simply points out that some neighborhoods have more violent crime — and thus more firearms-related homicides — than others. It does not highlight the race of the victims.

The Trace’s editor, however, noticed that all of the victims were black or latino, and immediately jumped-up on one of the antis’ favorite hobby horses: the lack of gun control is racist! more

10 Comments on Murder Inequality? Does That Make Gun Rights Racist?

  1. so if gun-control laws are effective in other communities of NYC, but not black or hispainish communities …. why the difference?
    could it be that the criminal element in those communities don’t bother to register their guns? … or even if they brought (stole) those guns legally to begin with?

    libtard pretzel logic applies itself again
    …. hmmmm …. pretzels …. now, where did I see that? ….. oh yeah!

  2. From the NY TImes: Based on reports filed by victims, blacks committed 66 percent of all violent crime in New York in 2009, including 80 percent of shootings and 71 percent of robberies. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of reported gun assaults.

    From NY Observer Nov. 26, 2015:(These statistic are from January 1, 2014-December 31st, 2014)

    Nonwhites commit 92 percent of all violent crime in New York City, and are responsible for 98 percent of all shootings, 91 percent of all firearm arrests, 88 percent of all drug arrests, 84 percent of all stolen property arrests, and 88 percent of all misdemeanor sexual offenses, the city’s police department has reported.

    But if you tell Lamont Hill on CNN…look out

  3. Historically gun laws were specifically to disarm blacks. Heck, they still are, the progs just don’t want you to know that. They want racial animosity against whites only.

  4. Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

    Spicks and negroes kill other spicks and negroes more often than they kill caucasoids because that’s who they’re around most! They use guns because guns are more impersonal than are knives, and are more efficient than sticks and stones. Even golf clubs provide a bit of distance between killer and victim. Most people like to kill their family, friends, and neighbors at some distance – as gutting or decapitation requires (one would think) some intense animus.


    The filthy fukkin socialists expect the negroes and spicks to sit in their allotted ghettos feeding on rats, socialists’ leftovers, and handouts – and to thank them for their patronage (which they usually do – “Thank you, sir, may I have another?”).
    Well, for some, life in the ghettos and slums is miserable and, as misery loves company, they tend to make everyone in the vicinity miserable – even if it means killing them and putting them out of their misery! THAT’S a true paradox!

    izlamo delenda est …

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