Litvinenko wrote: ‘The world public is shocked. Nobody can understand why the Russian president did such a strange thing as kissing the stomach of an unfamiliar small boy.
‘The explanation may be found if we look carefully at the so-called “blank spots” in Putin’s biography.
‘After graduating from the Andropov Institute, which prepares officers for the KGB intelligence service, Putin was not accepted into the foreign intelligence. Instead, he was sent to a junior position in KGB Leningrad Directorate.
‘Because, shortly before his graduation, his bosses learned that Putin was a pedophile [sic]. So say some people who knew Putin as a student at the Institute.
‘Many years later, when Putin became the FSB director and was preparing for the presidency, he began to seek and destroy any compromising materials collected against him by the secret services over earlier years. It was not difficult, provided he himself was the FSB director.
‘Among other things, Putin found videotapes in the FSB Internal Security directorate, which showed him making sex with some underage boys.’
Litvinenko went on to connect Putin’s alleged paedophile past to the case of Yuri Skuratov, a senior politician in Russia who was caught on camera having sex with two prostitutes.
Can I tell you something?
It’s the first time I’ve heard that. I know one thing, true or not, I’d be thinking twice(or more) about accusing him of that. You can tell he is one ruthless son of a bitch.
If you look at the lineage of the heads of their secret police over the years-which has changed names many times-these guys are fucking monsters. Putin is no different.
No, I don’t want to “read more”. I want to take another shower.
Poison was the word of the day:
Kremlin Response:
Lindsey didn’t get his 2016 calendar yet.
Hey! Where you been Putin that thang?!?!
That cheating son of a bitch
I know, huh?
Man, I sooo need a coffee proof cover for this keyboard.
“Putin on a Fritz.”
Alright, I’m guilty of making a joke about a subject that is certainly no joking matter.
But this isn’t ever a he said he said story, it’s a supposedly he said he said he said story.
Putin may well be an asshole. But let’s face it, his policies have been to put HIS country first and he has acted as more a a breakwater against the islamists than the asshole we have in office.
The Soviet backed government was opposed by jihadists in Afghanistan so we sided with the jihadists.
The Russians backed the Serbs trying to get rid of the islamsists who invaded Yugoslavia from Albania, so we sided with the islamists.
The Russians are backing Assad who for decades has protected non-muslimes from the jihadists and actually send forces to help us oust Saddam from Kuwait. . . so, once again we side with the jihadists.
Does anybody else see a problem here?
I didn’t know that Putin was once a Priest?
Miss Lindsey and the Kremlin think alike.
IIRC, Pooty Poot’s mother was a closet Christian, and out of the goodness of his heart (/s) he was magnanimous enough not to prosecute or persecute those who believed in God and wanted to go to church in Russia when he took over.
Strange how Miss Lindsey had poison on their mind yesterday.
Kremlin Response:
Miss Lindsey seemed to be on the ‘poison’ train yesterday too.
School teacher … kindergarten …
Thas my boy! Make the little bugger say “Baah!”
Little boys? Man, that’s sick!
Little girls? Not so much …
Miss Lindsey was quite fond of using poison.
Why would anyone be surprised that elite narcissistic lying scumbag thieving murdering “leaders” are also pedophiles?
So his “Vlad the Impaler” nickname wasn’t a joke, after all?
Hey Vlad – Obama and Jarret are responsible for this recent release. you need to respond in kind. What does the KGB have on Ms. barry?