Murderer Convicted of Killing Fellow Murderers – IOTW Report

Murderer Convicted of Killing Fellow Murderers

It took a mere 90 minutes for a jury to convict Danta Rowsey of three murders and an attempted murder yesterday in Milwaukee court. Prosecutors were able to show that Rowsey ordered the killing of his two accomplices in an earlier murder as well as attempting to murder the trigger man who shot the first set of accomplices.

Danta D. Rowsey (left) and Emmanuel Carter (right) have been tied to the Uptown Street Boys gang in Milwaukee. Booking mugs.

Danta Rowsey ,and his former gunman
turned paraplegic, Emmanuel Carter.


The case puts a glaring light on the extent to which potential witnesses and fellow gansta’ are at risk if suspected of becoming witnesses to crime.

The man Rowsey had kill his two partners, Emmanuel Carter, was paralyzed when during his attempted assassination the gun jammed twice when aimed at his head.


The conviction rested solely on testimony by informants and surveillance video of the suspects in the first shooting.