Murderer Who Took A Chainsaw To A Group Of Women Only Sentenced To 15 Years – IOTW Report

Murderer Who Took A Chainsaw To A Group Of Women Only Sentenced To 15 Years


A Belarusian teenager was sentenced to 15 years in prison Friday after attacking people at a mall with a chainsaw and an axe in Minsk. He killed one woman in the process.

It’s the maximum term that can be given to a minor in Belarus, much to the disapproval of the victims’ relatives, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).

Police arrested Ulad Kazakevich Oct. 8 for using a chainsaw and axe to assault four women in the shopping mall. One women was able to flee, two were injured and another was killed.

Kazakevich, who originally pleaded guilty, was given his punishment after being found guilty of attempted murder and murder with extreme violence, among other crimes.

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10 Comments on Murderer Who Took A Chainsaw To A Group Of Women Only Sentenced To 15 Years

  1. I don’t care what culture you live in, people that take a life in this manner need to be removed from society permanently. I don’t really care if it’s death or imprisonment, but death absolutely assures they will not return for a repeat performance. There are certain crimes that call for the Death penalty and more heinous ones that call for it to be swiftly applied publicly. This is certainly one of them.

  2. The Norway guy who murdered 77 has a sentence of about 21 years with as little as 10. He has been in the headlines recently saying his treatment was inadequate, they aren’t taking good enough care of him.
    BTW he is labeled as a far-right terrorist.

  3. MJA, I assume you know Andy, on at least two occasions, got shitty and beat the F out of Don. And I say, after 10 minutes of listening to him, who wouldn’t? Rumor has it even Opie kicked him once.

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