Murkowski and Other Senate DeceptiCons Threaten to Join the Democrats – IOTW Report

Murkowski and Other Senate DeceptiCons Threaten to Join the Democrats


For those of us who have been trying to awaken people to the true nature of Republicans in the senate, aka “the Decepticons”, the latest self-admissions are very welcome.

According to interviews conducted by The Hill, several Republican senators are now saying they just cannot be members of the Republican Party if they are forced to represent the interests of the base voter.  These very specifically named Republicans have always been members of the UniParty in DC; however, now they are saying “populism” amid the commonsense, America First voting base is not going to be acceptable. More

17 Comments on Murkowski and Other Senate DeceptiCons Threaten to Join the Democrats

  1. The hell with what the people want. We get what we want and screw Patriotic, Christian, common sense Americans. Pay your f@#king taxes and shut the f up.
    When do we act?

  2. Let’s see, now.

    How did THEY change over time? Dropped “small govt”. Dropped right to life. Dropped Constitutional rights. Dropped fiscal restraint. And there’s more, damn it.

    How did WE change over time? We woke up and got pissed off.

  3. My first rule of politics is don’t trust politicians. Politicians exist to serve themselves. It really doesn’t matter to me if Murkowski, et al. switch parties; their stances on the issues of the day won’t really change, they are members of the swamp, and they will just continue with business as usual except that the pretence that they are Republicans will no longer exist.

  4. like there is a difference in the parties?
    only non professional politicians have a chance to turn things around.
    and we will never get enough elected with the false dichotomy we have in place now.

  5. The statists versus the people. The state versus the people. The United States was founded to be governed ‘of, by and for the people’. Not the state versus the people. They have F-16s and the like. They consider themselves to be our rulers rather than stewards elected to temporarily supervise the operation of our governing entities. Swallwell and the senile pedophile in chief both said we’d need F-15s and nukes to oppose ‘our’ government. Fuck them. They both need to be tried, convicted and hanged for treason against the nation. Others as well need such treatment.

  6. Good riddance. If she thinks the left is going to embrace her, she’s delusional.

    They hate. They won’t accept her traitorous soul. She will be out of a job and, I for one, will rejoice.

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