Murkowski Starting To Feel Some Heat Back In Alaska – IOTW Report

Murkowski Starting To Feel Some Heat Back In Alaska

Must Read Alaska

On the Kenai Peninsula, District 31 Republicans have passed a resolution censuring Sen. Lisa Murkowski for her actions in the impeachment hearings against former President Donald J. Trump.

That district isn’t the only one. There are several others that have either passed similar resolutions or that are in the voting process.

Districts 3, 8, 9, 11, and 12 have passed similar censures, and Districts 7 and 10 are in final vote. Both of the Mat-Su Valley Republican Women’s Clubs are working on resolutions or censures. More

17 Comments on Murkowski Starting To Feel Some Heat Back In Alaska

  1. Not being from there I have to ask, what will this do to here chances of being reelected?

    And if she is not, it it likely another Leftist Republican will be elected or would it more likely be a Democrat that replaces her?

    FWIW, I don’t have a lot of faith in most Republicans being anything more than Democrats registered in a different party.

  2. The Republicans in these states are losing people like crazy.
    Even Maine GOP is thinking, yes only thinking yet, about censuring Collins. Oooooo. A slap on the wrist to please the peasants.

    I officially resigned this morning from all committees in Maine. Here is my email I sent:

    I have resigned as Chair and member of the South Portland Republican Committee (SPRMC) and am resigning from the Cumberland County Republican Committee (CCRC).
    I will also have nothing to do with the MEGOP organization any longer.

    I am remaining registered as a Republican but can no longer work with or for an organization that refuses to speak up about important issues.
    I will donate to individual candidates but will not give one red cent to a group that doesn’t represent me or many other voters.

    From the deafening silence when my son, a place holder in South Portland, was lied about in the press. To the lies of the State GOP Chair when she told the media she had contacted him and asked him to drop out. To no call asking what the truth was and is.
    (By the way he can’t even rent an apartment due to the lies and both committees staying silent and uninterested in the truth.)
    To the refusal to speak up when Sen. Collins votes for unconstitutional items.
    To her going along with the unconstitutional impeachment of a former President because she doesn’t like his personality.
    Even Justice Roberts refused to preside because of the constitutional violations in the sham impeachment.
    To the almost silence and/ or surrender by the GOP about Governor Mills’ ruling like a dictator.
    Even though Troy Jackson and Gov. Mills said in a PPH article last summer they want to keep the state of emergency going to better the state’s chances at a federal bailout and hearing the same from Republicans, is destroying lives nothing is said but, “there are too many of them”.

    When the excuse, “our only job is to get Republicans elected” is the constant, spineless mantra of the GOP in this county and state it becomes too much.
    I can no longer work with committees that put party and loyalty to one politician over the US Constitution and country and state.

    Over the years it has gotten too much.

    The swamp is deep here in Maine even though the voters don’t want to be part of it.

    Good luck in the future.

    Kandi-Lee Hoy
    former SPRMC Chair

  3. This cunt – ever since Trump was in office has been nothing but a burr in the People’s ass. I put her up there with all the other ugly Dem’s. She’s also affiliated as an Independent since 2010.

  4. ^^^ In her case the translation for Independent is “Being registered as a Republican for election purposes, but voting with the Democrats every chance I get.” She thinks it gives her political cover.

  5. Isn’t Murks the one Palin lost to? Ah, what could have been!

    $5 says voting irregularities were a part of that, too.

    Pretty darn sure the country would be red if elections were honest somehow.

  6. Murkowski, has the majority of the Native voting block sewed up. That, plus
    the lack of viable competition who can afford to give her a fight and her name recognition, gets her the win. Long past time for some new blood in Alaska.

  7. When she first ran for Senate, she was beaten in the primary by Fairbanks attorney Joe Miller. A solid conservative. So she got herself on the ticket as an “Independent” and won the general election thanks to lots of Democrats voting for her. She’s been a reliable water carrier for them ever since. Unless ALL the republicans in the state vote against her in the general election, she will stay in office.


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