Musk Sues Media Matters to Smithereens – IOTW Report

Musk Sues Media Matters to Smithereens


Social media company X on Monday sued media watchdog group Media Matters, alleging the organization defamed the platform after it published a report that said ads for major brands had appeared next to posts touting Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.

X, formerly Twitter, has faced growing outrage since Media Matters published the report on Thursday, which led IBM, Comcast and several other advertisers to pull ads from the platform in response. More

Why Media Matters should be sued into oblivion. Here

10 Comments on Musk Sues Media Matters to Smithereens

  1. I really wish there was a way to get reasonably priced high speed internet into my home without comcast. Dunno, suppose Starlink is an option everywhere I’ll have to see what it cost. Fuck these goons that are influenced by leftist hacks.

  2. Love it. And Susan Sarandon just got her ass handed to her by a Muslim American woman as well as being dumped by UTA for her ignorant comments. I guess she still has “SAG”…. Let the games begin.

  3. @Don Draper:

    Hope he shoves the paperwork so far up David Brock’s ass that Hillary’s pads come out of his mouth.

    Yes! I enthusiastically agree! But, alas, Brock cut ties with Media Matters about a year ago and is almost certainly (a) legally untouchable, but (b) still controlling a lot of their shit.

  4. Apple. The company that has absolutely no problem with child slave labor mining for minerals for their phone batteries.
    They also have no problem with China’s atrocities against the Uighurs.
    Hypocrites of the highest order

  5. I support Eon Musk. The man has a real handle on reality and tells the truth.
    If only for one Really important thing: You can’t LIE your way into Space!
    You can’t lie your way thru physics and have it work!
    You can’t lie your way thru electronics and have it work!
    You can’t lie your way thru mechanics and have it work!
    And you can’t lie your way thru management and retain loyal employees!


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