Musk Suggests Next Drop of Twitter Files Should Lead to the Prosecution of Dr. Fauci – IOTW Report

Musk Suggests Next Drop of Twitter Files Should Lead to the Prosecution of Dr. Fauci


On Sunday morning, Twitter CEO Elon Musk suggested that Dr. Anthony Fauci should be prosecuted as he appeared to tease an upcoming Twitter Files drop.

Over the past week, Musk has brought on journalists to study what was going on behind the scenes at Twitter when controversial decisions were made including the decision to permanently ban former President Donald Trump.

Musk released several cryptic tweets on Sunday morning hinting that the next round of Twitter files would be groundbreaking.

The string of tweets appears to suggest that the upcoming Twitter files will have to do with Fauci’s involvement with Twitter regarding COVID crackdown.

Musk has been on a tear in recent weeks as he has made it a top priority to expose former Twitter staff for targeting conservatives on the site.


22 Comments on Musk Suggests Next Drop of Twitter Files Should Lead to the Prosecution of Dr. Fauci

  1. Look for Maria Bartiromo interviews former DNI John Ratcliffe.

    Youtube has the 14 minute whole versions and some of the others have them as well. I doubt a 1 minute version would cover 1/14th of all that Truth.

  2. Fauci Did not act alone.

    What about all the Doctors & Researchers who ignored a hundred years of Historic Immunity Data?

    It was not that long ago that Parents were having Chicken Pox parties to Boost kids immunity & get it out of the way early so that kids could LIVE THEIR LIVES.

    The First time in History that I remember the “adults” put themselves first! Disgusting!

  3. I’d let the F’er pickle in a pickle jar.
    He’s only got death to look forward to.
    He can ice and stew in the woods somewhere.
    That FBI Baker is a little more Judicially cakeworthy.

  4. The little rodent isn’t the real problem. The real problem is the millions of budding tyrants who lined up to throw in with the dirty motherfucker. The worthless pieces of shit who were getting their control freak on by suggesting anyone who didn’t do as they say should face all sort of repercussions. These Goddamned degenerate assholes are the reason a fucking loser like this bastard are where they are.

    Half of the country should be stripped of everything they own and have it handed over to people who were minding their own business and telling them to fuck the fuck off and mind your own business.

    I’m not willing to entertain any suggestion regarding forgiveness, individuals who would pull that shit in the first place are demonstrably incapable of sincerity when it comes to accepting responsibility for what they have done and will pull the same shit the first opportunity they get.

  5. @DrFauciJr
    DECEMBER 11, 2022 AT 5:07 PM
    “Prosecution of what? Donald J Trump signed into law no one & no companies involved in the production of covid-19 vaccines can ever be sued or prosecuted.”

    Sorry. Wrong again. The law protecting pharmaceutical companies was passed and signed into law before Donald Trump was elected. Nice try.

  6. Prayer?

    As Forrest said, “I may not be very smart…”

    And I certainly don’t know as much as I wish or want to know…

    But just as God makes little green apples I hope and pray it’s not too late and wish for the real “woke” to be a “HAPPENING,” so that most if not all the evil, vile SOB’s get justice.

    I pray for all of “them!” Lord give them justice and if at all possible here and now and not just in the here after.

  7. Tony R DECEMBER 11, 2022 AT 6:05 PM

    Immunity goes away if you can show fraud and deception…

    Or so I’m told by people smarter than I…

    Could there also perhaps be some street justice? At some point as even the best security can fail…

  8. The government may not prosecute but the twitter file drop may provide evidence for a HUGE class action civil suit to be brought by people who were injured and the survivors of those who died because Fauci and Twitter colluded to withhold information on safe, effective, and cheap early treatments. There should be plenty of money from his (and Collins’ and a few others’) profits on the patents of the ineffective and dangerous drugs and ‘vaccines’ that they declared to be the Standard of Care to pay the damages awarded.

    God bless Elon Musk.

  9. “The real problem is the millions of budding tyrants who lined up to throw in with the dirty motherfucker.”

    OK. Prosecute – then execute – THEM ALL!

    For too long Justice has been denied the American people – not just the CoVid Hoax but the Electoral Hoax, as well.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. @ Tony R DECEMBER 11, 2022 AT 6:05 PM

    There is absolutely no indemnity available to anyone whatsoever for restricting ANY American from seeking out information to make an INFORMED DECISION on. The simple fact is any and all players who were colluding and conspiring to restrict access to any and all sources they could use to independently validate any information being passed on before making an INFORMED DECISION on how best to proceed is about as serious a usurpation of individual autonomy there is. It is a straight up violation of the First Amendment as well. Free access to varying opinions is what the First Amendment is all about. PARTICULARLY when the information being validated is being distributed by the government. Not only being distributed, but being distributed on behalf of companies that have been “donating” to these assholes campaigns, hiring their friends, family and longtime business associates and buying them expensive meals. And don’t get me started on the media, who conspired with government to shut down their competition.

    Like I keep posting, the Trial Lawyers haven’t gotten their cut yet. Trust me, they will. They will have a target rich environment to work with and once that battle gets underway they know they have some very weakly protected high value targets they can pick off right off the bat.

    In the first place, the manufacturers and distributors of Ivermectin have been cheated out of hundreds of millions of dollars in legitimate profit. Perhaps billions. Each and every single person denied access to Ivermectin prior to having their Covid infection worsen has suffered damages. Etc on down the line.

    But that is all small potatoes compared to the know complications the injections were known to cause that were hidden from the public.

    In a just world anyone who demanded others involuntarily subject themselves to being injected would be told to eat shot and bark at the moon. They don’t deserve anything other than to be shitting their pants while being hung by the neck until dead. Trust me, I know the type. They will be the first in line demanding to be made whole and they will qualify.

  11. I read a comment on Twitter that Fauci should be in Federal Prison.

    I replied, “At least until the gallows are built.”

    And I mean that.

    JDHasty December 11, 2022 at 5:07 pm
    I agree with you. I’m thinking of several in Whitmer’s administration (MI). Her first, for the murder of the elderly in our nursing homes. Then everyone who supported her, lied for her and relished in the control of people for their own power hungry gain.

    Then every administration in every other state that abused their power.

  12. We’ve lived in our home in this neighborhood for going on 45 years. I’ve never asked, but I imagine most of our neighbors know our politics. There’s at least a couple of neighbors whom we know are conservative and we cling to each other in this sea of liberalism, and they are the ones we have deeper discussions with about things. Otherwise, I try to keep good relations with the others and don’t discuss politics with them (because they are ignorant). Liberals are always trying to scope everyone out, aren’t they. I’m genius at changing the subject.

    Anyway, a long-time neighbor who I adore stopped to chat the other day as she walked her dog. I hadn’t seen her for quite a while so there was a lot to catch up on. Eventually we swapped general health info and she exclaimed that she’d just had covid AGAIN! It worried me (though I didn’t say anything) so I asked if she’d had the vaccine. She enthusiastically replied, “All 5 shots, honey, and counting!”

    All I could think was, Dead Woman Walking. It made me very sad and angry (but I didn’t say anything). Then I volunteered that we’d never had the shot and have never had covid — except maybe we had, many weeks before it became news. I love this gal to pieces and I know if there was one person on the block who would have admonished me for not getting the vaccine, I think she would be the one. Not out of sense of “Karen”, but out of a genuine sense of caring.

    The surprising thing was she didn’t say a word about it, not even a slightly raised eyebrow. I think she forgot for a moment who she was talking to and that I would not be impressed in the way she meant about her “5 shots!” though I am certain just about every other neighbor would have been.

  13. Fauci pulled this same shit 40 years ago with AIDS. Didn’t work then because the doctors were actually well trained healers who didn’t buy into it and refused to cower or go along and instead practiced, you know, medicine with due caution but not cowardice as they went INTO medicine fully aware that they would be treating infectious diseases. Among other things they invented Universal Bloodborne Pathogen protocols, and moved on.

    The Democrats didn’t like this, nor the fact that they didn’t control enough media yet to hide the connection that put homosexuals in a bad light, so they spent the next few decades purchasing media conglomerates, eliminating local media, changing laws so they could own many media companies under one ownership, achieving what as Pedo termed a “big fucking deal” of the government takeover of medicine via Obamacare to drive all the older experienced docs out who could afford to retire, and finishing it off with Affirmative Action medical students trained in Woke medicine and Communist universities.

    Getting the old school docs out enabled Fauci, like the devil he serves, to pull his same tricks on a new generation, a generation taught to disrespect their elders. Their Fascist collusion with Democrat media companies buried any questioning of the narrative and allowed them to use fear to steal elections, increasing their power to silence some while outright murdering others (again many of them the elderly who have seen the devils tricks), bringing us to the brink of a medical dictatorship imposed “for your saftey” today where the government has virtually established it ownership over your body to serve the common good.

    Democrats owned bodies before.

    There’s a name for that.

    And only a Civil War stopped them, temporarily, from doing so.

    Difference today is that the Democrats have access to better weapons including biological ones, and MUCH better surveillance.

    So here we are.

    No, Fauci should not hang alone.

    But hang he SHOULD, under the Nuremberg Laws and every historical precident ever set for treason and mass murder.

    Mengele escaped HIS punishment until he drowned after an accident under a false name in Brazil in 1979. No example was made of him, and no justice was ever meted out to him in the circles of this world.

    Fauci has maimed and killed far more than Mengele ever dreamed of, and children are still poisoned, sterilized, crippled, and killed at his order STILL.

    Mengele escaped his fate.

    Millions of dead cry out to us that Fauci must not be allowed to be so fortunate.

    God will judge him.

    But he must be sent to that Judgement in the speediest and most public way possible, as a warning to others.


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