Musk to Trump: ‘We’re at a Fork in the Road of Destiny of Civilization’ and ‘You’re the Right Path’ – IOTW Report

 Musk to Trump: ‘We’re at a Fork in the Road of Destiny of Civilization’ and ‘You’re the Right Path’


Elon Musk elaborated on why he endorsed former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election while speaking to him in an X Space on Monday, telling the 45th president, “We’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization … and you’re the right path.”

“We’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path, and I think you’re the right path,” Musk said to former President Trump on Monday.

Musk also explained that he has always been a “moderate Democrat” or “slightly left,” but said the Democrats have gone too far. He then urged other moderates to vote for Trump, and he told the 45th president, “You are the path to prosperity,” adding that Vice President Kamala Harris “is the opposite.” more here

12 Comments on  Musk to Trump: ‘We’re at a Fork in the Road of Destiny of Civilization’ and ‘You’re the Right Path’

  1. There is so much bad news everyday now it’s hard to see a peaceful outcome. When a grandma gets jail and a $175k fine for praying on j6. When people in the UK are going to jail for thought crimes and foreign leaders are threatening Americans. When the lady in CO is found guilty for exposing evidence of election fraud along with Trumps lawyers.
    When Bannon and Navarro go to jail and Garland doesn’t.
    When there are judges, people, corporations and politicians pushing communism with all their might. When the effbeeye arrests people on trumped up charges or instigates crimes themselves.
    Just a few months ago people were saying you’re just being pessimistic. Well tell me just where the optimism is.

  2. Warmonger Mike Lawler (R) was just on Wolfs CNN PSYOP Stream.

    He was bitching that America has not sent more Bombs and Money to Israel.

    He said America needs to go ALL IN and bomb the fuck out of its enemies.

    REMEMBER: Dual Citizen Flag Flogging for American Money Stream.

    These are some sick f’ers on CNN

  3. We’re at a fork in the road at the Slauson Cutoff. Get out of the car, pick up the fork and cut off your Slauson. Use the fork and your Slauson to destroy your local Communist. Then, get back in your car and drive 8 miles until you see a sign that says, “Heavenly Valley.” That’s where Rod Serling used to live. Go there and disappear in an antigravity transporter.

  4. Mike Lawler (R) NY
    Member of: Financial Services Sector Committee
    Subgroup: FORNTEL

    Advocates for complete financial and military support in the Israli Conflict that has NOTHING to do with Americans, and, he is OK with MORE $ for Ukraine, as long as Israel comes first.

    Over All a NY RHINO Banker Warmongerer

  5. There’s been a couple occurrences over the last year where peeps have exclaimed, this just won Trump the presidency. Including his assassination attempt. Which should have done the trick. It did for Elon. In my humble worthless opinion this two hours might have just won the presidency for him and I’ll tell you why. It quickly morphed into a conversation between two old pals. Musk made the remark, and I’m paraphrasing, you can’t judge the man during a hostile news conference. And they’ve all been hostile.
    The best moment. Trump says he’s going back to Butler, I think I’ll pick up where I was interrupted.
    Elon: Some people have no manners. They both laughed.

    Trump showed some legit anger describing Biden threatening Putin, “The stupid words coming out of his stupid face are going to get us all in a nuclear war”

    Well worth a listen.

  6. Forgot to make my final point. Trump came across as a very carrying patriot. Trump showed a side of himself “Moderates” don’t see. A big win. Elon says he’ll join the Trump admin.

  7. I wish had done a thread while we all listened to the conversation. It would have been a lot of fun. “…stupid words out of his stupid face…” Hilariously plain spoken. I could just imagine Trump’s brow all screwed up into utter disgust when he spat out those words. There were many minutes when you knew he forgot he was on XSpace.

  8. I also thought that one of the highlights was Trump saying he’s going back to Butler, then opening up with something like, oh yeah, where was I? I need to listen to it again.

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