Muslim Attacker Still At Large in Berlin – IOTW Report

Muslim Attacker Still At Large in Berlin

Berlin Police: We Caught The Wrong Person, Attacker Still At Large

Daily Caller- Berlin police said the 23-year-old asylum seeker in custody after the attack on the Christmas market in Berlin Monday is not the truck driver, Die Welt reported Tuesday.

The attacker remains at large and is believed to be armed and dangerous, police said.

“We have the wrong man, and thus a new situation,” police said in a statement. “The capital’s preparedness police and the special forces have been informed.”

Naved B., a 23-year-old Pakistani asylum seeker, was arrested Monday on suspicion of being the truck driver. The suspect denied any participation in the attack.

12 Comments on Muslim Attacker Still At Large in Berlin

  1. Ok, I’ve had all the bullshit I can take with this “Radical Islamic Terrorizm” crap. It’s time we start calling it what it really is, and that is “ISLAMIC TERRORISM”. There is nothing radical about it.

  2. Oh, I believe they had the right guy. The fact that he was a Pakistani asylum seeker gave them the vapors, so they had to lie and let him go. They couldn’t let Angela Merkel take heat for letting in all those killers to take over their country.

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