Muslim Bride Cries in Fear As She’s Being Encased With Her Burqa – IOTW Report

Muslim Bride Cries in Fear As She’s Being Encased With Her Burqa

Add “the burqa empowers women” to the list of ridiculousness the left spouts in order to make their ridiculous party appear sane.

34 Comments on Muslim Bride Cries in Fear As She’s Being Encased With Her Burqa

  1. The guy adjusting the bag over her face as if it will make her look better.
    That is not empowerment. That is oppression. Muslim wedding ceremonies should be called slavery ceremonies.

  2. we have a plethora of ‘drag queens’ these days
    this must be a ‘bag queen’

    not to be impolite, especially on her wedding day, but she might want to think about a diet- that new outfit makes her look hefty

  3. It’s a very progressive article of clothing. Can be worn at least 3 ways: as intended, backwards, and inside out. Saves on material and water for the planet. It’s unclear which way she had it put on.

  4. The burka was implemented to conceal the marks from the beatings by the husband.

    Oh yeah, their false prophet was a demonically deceived pedophile murderer. Muslims will ALL go to Hell for rejecting Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior unless they repent and reject islam.

  5. The young woman has known since childhood someday she would become a non-person, with no rights and property of the Islamic State. Even so, it still became a shock when she is forced to wear a burka.
    You can see she almost faints from the fear, despair and hopelessness she faces as she realizes she will be imprisoned in a black death shroud for the rest of her life.
    This is a fate every feminist doctrine supports. Don’t be fooled into thinking there are good vs bad feminist doctrine. All feminist roads lead to totalitarian control over woman’s lives, with no autonomy or individuality. People become commodities and life is not valued under such oppression.

  6. 99th Squad Leader, you are correct. It’s all evil. Islam AND those who support it for their perceived benefit (only to discover, too late, that they will suffer the same fate).

  7. Claudia, agreed. What’s happening in that video, is an example of what women are suffering all over the world where societies are dominated by Islam.
    Yet, the left consider The United States of America to be an enemy of woman’s rights – that’s just insane.
    It’s so frustrating to watch Western societies continue to undermine their own freedoms and liberties by accepting such evil socialist policies which are the foundation of Islam.

  8. …he’s just bagging his new toy, so he can take it out at home and play with it later. It’s like shopping at Aldi’s but the meat is human and it’s gonna get far worse than eaten…


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