Muslim Cleric Warns ‘Sponge Bob’ Fosters Homosexuality – IOTW Report

Muslim Cleric Warns ‘Sponge Bob’ Fosters Homosexuality

GellerReport: An imam is warning the Muslim world to tread carefully where cartoons are concerned, saying the popular “Sponge Bob” show seen around the world morphs boys into girls and girls into boys by instilling the message it’s OK for females to be “butch” and fine for males to be “sissies,” a video of his address revealed.

His goal with making the remarks?

To point out what he perceives are the pro-homosexuality elements of the cartoon.

And in so doing, he seems to suggest the cartoon ought not to be on the list of approved viewing for followers of Islam.

In the video, posted at Israel National News, he says of the “Sponge Bob” character and cartoon:

32 Comments on Muslim Cleric Warns ‘Sponge Bob’ Fosters Homosexuality

  1. From the linked article: ““Just imagine our children ten years down the line. What will happen is they emulate this character?” [said the imam]

    Why, they’ll start voting for monsters like Barrack Hussein and Bernie Sanders, that’s what’ll happen. Believe me, I’ve seen it.

  2. I was always suspicious of his sexual orientation because whenever I watched Drinking With Sponge Bob, he would always end the video with, “Butts next! Butts next! Butts next!”.

    Hilarious! – Irony

  3. Maybe the high holy goat humper, caught the episode where Patrick and Sponge Bob played husband and wife. Or maybe the end of the movie, where Patrick was dressed like a hooker.

  4. Sitting on a Puff bench
    Eyeing Mr Krabbs with gay intent
    Hey, Aquasponge

    Bubbles blowing out his nose
    Krabby patties greasing homo clothes
    Hey, Aquasponge

    Eating up some cold chum
    Checking out his buddy Patick’s bum
    Hey Aquasponge

    Feeling alone
    The Bath House’s up the road
    Perversion a la mode
    And a cup of tea
    Aquasponge my friend
    Dont slink away so sleazy
    You poor old sodomist
    You see it’s only me

  5. @Vietvet – Yes! And even though Wile E. Coyote mostly committed the mayhem on himself, I like Road Runner cartoons from time to time, too.

    Seriously, though, vicarious cartoon violence is a great way to work out some tension and aggression in a non-destructive and non-criminal fashion.

  6. Spongebob is one of the funniest cartoons ever. Used to watch it with my kids when they were little and we’d all be cracking’ up.
    How do you know it’s great? Because muslims hate it. I mean, they’re a cult who hates MUSIC, for God’s sake. What else is there to say?

  7. I’m very appreciative of the creative writing, character development in SB.

    When I catch an episode today, it brings back joyous memories of me watching it with the kids 15 years ago.

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