Muslim congresswoman says capital punishment has no place in 21st century – IOTW Report

Muslim congresswoman says capital punishment has no place in 21st century

Odd statement considering her people live in the 7th century.

bbc– Brunei implements stoning to death under anti-LGBT laws.

According to rights group Human Rights Without Frontiers, stoning is still a punishment in countries such as Iran, Somalia and Sudan among others.

30 Comments on Muslim congresswoman says capital punishment has no place in 21st century

  1. Her caveat is ‘everywhere but savage 7th century moozlum controlled shitholes’. There, sharia law is grand and glorious.
    I hope her free pass among moozlum men expires soon.

  2. …nice try, Taqiyya Barbie…

    “Those who make war with Allah and his messenger will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. That is how they will be treated in this world, and in the next they will have an awful doom”
    -Koran 5:33

    “Recall that your Lord inspired the angels: “I am with you; so support those who believed. I will throw terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved. You may strike them above the necks, and you may strike even every finger.”…”

    -Koran 8:12.

  3. And she wants white men to be profiled in another stupid statement she has made.

    There’s no need to profile her. We KNOW she’s a worthless piece of shit.

  4. I want anyone calling for abolishment of the death penalty to read out loud the crimes perpetrated by those on death row. It is so facile to say you don’t want to put someone to death – until you read the atrocities they have committed to get there.

  5. Did you know, according to the written but not drawn doctrine of the religion her religious garb indicates she practices, deceit is a-ok if it furthers the mission and its goals.

  6. Yet honor killings involving wives, daughters, sisters and other female family members that ‘shame’ them by allegedly living outside Sharia law are totally just. Makes perfect sense. No due process either just a tribunal of your own family.

  7. Preferred method in Smellya is to
    Have a dozen executioners circle the condemned and at the command “fire” they all lift up both arms to blast the prisoner with highly toxic and deadly armpit gas.

  8. The barbaric ways under which her religion punishes people, including their death penalty, not withstanding, Omar’s party has flipped “cruel and unusual” on its head by pushing for and legislating so-called euthanasia laws, not to mention the barbarism of tearing a baby limb from limb, using scissors to sever its spinal column and then recycling his or her body parts. So, yes, let’s have a discussion about “heinous, totalitarian practice often used against innocent people.”

    This ridiculous, deranged, evil woman has got to go. We cannot have someone like this among our Congress.

    Remember: We are the ones working every day to pay her salary. We have a right — a duty, an obligation — to fire her.

  9. Stoning, tossing off roofs and beheading in her mind must not be capital punishment. She will soon find out what it is like to be convicted of breaking the law of the USA.

    But I didn’t see where she condemned Sharia law specifically.

  10. They are measuring IQ’s in the 65-70 range
    in Somalia and many other parts of Sub-Sahara
    Africa,including the Congo.Now you know why Africans
    are being brought in here by the thousands…

  11. If only we meted out the capital punishment to brazen hypocrits and sociopathic liars.
    Not to worry, if matters come down to ‘holy war’ as has happenned before, things will sort themselves out just fine.

    The dreck of a human who identifies as Ilhan Omar (not her real name) will find out too late that her fate will be quite rough, in this life as in the next.

  12. A Muslim has publicly denounced sharia, which has the death penalty, and the Prophet himself (PBOH), who had ordered people executed?! Fatwa on her!

    Sauce for the goose…

  13. She’s just trying to prevent a capital punishment conviction for her fellow jihadi terrorists who will eventually perpetrate another attack as heinous as 911 someday.
    She wants “some people (Jihadists) who did something” to get leniency for their crimes in the future.

  14. This brother humping, rag headed mohammedan will go against anything she thinks the Conservatives are for. I wish Judicial watches filings would hurry up and bear fruit so we can all watch this America hating whore get thrown out of office and out of the country.

  15. This is what I call Jihad by invasion. Muslims are trying to enter the US by any fraud possible. Using women like these four is common practice.
    She is attempting to turn Americans into Muslims. We are not France or Sweden, Americans don’t give in to people who try to change our country to their twisted ideals. My advise to her is to Go back to Somalia before you end up in an American jail for your crimes.


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