Muslim Congresswoman Uses Crass Language (Mother Effer) and Vows to Impeach Trump – IOTW Report

Muslim Congresswoman Uses Crass Language (Mother Effer) and Vows to Impeach Trump

22 Comments on Muslim Congresswoman Uses Crass Language (Mother Effer) and Vows to Impeach Trump

  1. She’s a “nasty” woman. The Resistance is in da House! Woop! Woop!

    For all their talk of “behavior unbecoming the office of…” they need to hold up a freakin’ mirror.

  2. Isn’t there a way to censure this foul mouth idiot (muzzie) congress critter. She should be ashamed of herself but democraps have no shame and get away with crap like this where if a Republican said the same thing about obummer or any othe democrap president they’d be tossed out on their ear. I hate democraps and their double standards. and who are the ones being civil, it sure as hell isn’t the left. It’s too bad that the Sgt. of Arms in the House can’t turn her over his knee and paddle the shit out of her for this outrageous behavior.

  3. Take a good look at the crowd in that clip. Make no mistake, those scum hate us and want nothing more than our complete destruction. The democrat leadership embraces these animals thinking they can control them, they will find out too late that they badly misjudged.

  4. …actually, with them, it’s not really about President Trump. Removing the President is just the common cause they can make with the dhimmis in the Democrat party, and he IS an obstacle to them, but the REAL goal is to overturn the Constitution and make the United States into a Shari’a caliphate.

    As the Koran demands.

    Of all the world’s religions, Islam stands alone as one that is compatible with NO system of government, as Islam is DESIGNED to BE the Government. Devout Muslims will vote in elections and run for office, but just to screw with OUR system on their way to getting THEIRS. The Koran calls for A!!ah to pick their leaders, so “elections” are not halal, except to the extent that they are used for taqiyaa (Lying about Islam to advance Islam), and kitman (leaving out the less savory facts about Islam, like the value of women and slavery for the unbelievers being but two).

    Just those last TWO things should be enough to disqualify ANY Muslim from ANY office. When it is not only acceptable, but DEMANDED, by your “faith” that you lie to advance its supremacy, can we EVER really trust you?

    The link below is a nice little graphic that shows just a FEW of the massive incompatibilities between Islam’s system and the kind that decent human beings use. I would recommend reading the Koran and other works of Islam, such as the Bukhari (Sunni) and Kitab-al-kafi (Shia), to name a few: not as “holy” works, mind you, but as a WARNING. Like Hitler did with Mein Kampf, Mohammad and his ilk spell out EXACTLY what they have planned for us. Democrats do not bother to research it as Islam is just their means to an end to destroy US, but if Islamophiles continue to make THAT mistake, it will lead to a conflagration that will make the one Chamberlain could have avoided look like a picnic, if anyone survives to record the history, that is…

  5. Pelosi, Schumer and The Brat Pack all take their marching orders from Soros.

    When there is a war of wills among them, who will Soros support?

    And who will Soros force to publicly kneel to receive his boot on their necks?

  6. “For all their talk of “behavior unbecoming the office of…” they need to hold up a freakin’ mirror”

    Always accuse your enemy of doing what you, yourself, are doing. This causes confusion and forces them on the defense so they can not point out your offenses.

    Alinsky 101

    Democrats project like a grimy lens at a 24 hour porno theatre all the time, @ Illustr8r, and with similar content and to a similar audience. This is just one such example, with the Mueller investigation being the crowning example of same.

    We know THEY do it, we just can’t get the “republicans” together to call them OUT on it; so they will CONTINUE to do it…

    …Because it WORKS…

  7. Another Insane democrat. What the hell are people thinking when they vote for a fool like this? There will be HELL to pay if POTUS is impeached by these low IQ communists. That’s a fact.

  8. Sooo edgy using vulgarity.
    Sooo unaware of her hypocrisy. Telling her son bullies don’t win and then behaving like a bully.

    Between this one and the Somali we’re going to see all kinds of special treatment bills for islamists come up in the Senate.

    The Dimms are all into the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Ya, until the islamists are done using you like a bunch of rented mules. Or camels.

  9. Perfect, they couldn’t even go one day without introducing articles of impeachment and running their mouths. I hope this is just the start to their insanity. Lets remind people every day for the next few years why they lost congress and the WH and why they should be sent packing again in 2020.

  10. Can’t wait to see what Ocasio-Cortez does to get the spotlight back on herself. All these cretin divas are going to be shoving each other offstage for the next two years, instead of cooperating on anything. Except impeaching Trump. Go ahead, Nancy…cut their heads off. The mouths will keep moving.


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