‘Muslim First’ Ilhan Omar Tells Muslims To Raise Hell and Make Non-Muslims Uncomfortable – IOTW Report

‘Muslim First’ Ilhan Omar Tells Muslims To Raise Hell and Make Non-Muslims Uncomfortable

The hill-

“Muslims are told that we should not bother anyone, not make any kind of noise, be a good Muslim,” Omar said, according to the publication. “But no matter how much we have tried to be the best neighbor, people have always worked on finding a way to not allow for every single civil liberty to be extended to us.”

“I say raise hell, make people uncomfortable,” Omar said, according to the publication. “Because here’s the truth. For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it.”


32 Comments on ‘Muslim First’ Ilhan Omar Tells Muslims To Raise Hell and Make Non-Muslims Uncomfortable

  1. I know, I know.

    Omar has been discriminated against to the “nth degree.”

    Why she wad even denied the “right” to marry her BROTHER!

    OH, wait….

    Just sayin’.

  2. Do her comments in any way violate her oath of office? So she is tired of being treated as a second class citizen? Maybe she, and her 7th century barbarians should learn to assimilate into the countries that are foolish enough to take in her, her brother, and all of her inbred muzzie trouble makers. Being a peaceful, productive member of society would make a big difference in how you are viewed in your host countries. It might also help to denounce the teachings of a slave owning, murdering, no good pedophile.

  3. 3,000 people (and counting) could not be reached for comment about how neighborly their Muslim neighbors have been over the years. The absolute nerve of these 6th century invaders has no bounds.

  4. … says the practitioner of the “religion” that makes a point of reducing EVERYONE not a member of their “ummah” to second class status – even reducing women and children who are members to slave status. Yeah! THAT’s going to work out well for them! Keep shooting off your vile mouth and bring it, Bitch. You’re helping some of those who somehow still are asleep to wake up. We don’t seem to be able to do it.

  5. “But no matter how much we have tried to be the best neighbor, ………”

    In my books, trying to be the best neighbor doesn’t include trying to kill me or any of the other Islamic practices that intrude on my life (such as blasting out your call to prayer over loudspeakers, or blocking streets and such) on a daily basis.

    So what does Omar consider being a good neighbor consists of?

  6. Wish Greg Giraldo was still a round, after calling out Larry the Cable Guy for being a ‘gravy drinking cousin f*cker’.
    He would wipe up the floor with this mentally ill ‘Brother F*cker’.

  7. “Muslims are told that we should not bother anyone, not make any kind of noise, be a good Muslim,”

    Well that all sounds pretty good. Sounds like something your imams would be telling you, muslims. Or should be telling you…What exactly are they telling you?

  8. Nope. muslims are only half way decent neighbors to only muslims. Their pedophile prophet mohamid requires all muslims to worship the great satan allah and rape, enslave, and murder non-muslims. muslims are the largest hate group on the planet.

  9. “For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it.”

    Then buy a first class ticket back to your third world country. But, if you truly became American, you wouldn’t be second class.

    And don’t expect us to ‘submit’. IOW, GTFO.

  10. I was just wondering. Just what is the American body count, starting at, let’s say, with Bobby Kennedy continuing through the Beirut embassy bombing, Gulf I, USS Cole, 9/11, War on Terror, Major Nidal Hassan, Pulse night club……through today? It’s massive. It’s probably closer to 10-12k deaths. Not even counting the serious injuries, lost limbs and PTSD. All the result of neighborly muzzies.

    You neighborly muzzes go ahead and take Omar’s advice. Get in our faces.

  11. Is like to ask this lying POS skank how many Americans could move to her sh*thole country and serve as a member of Congress.
    Sure you’ve been discriminated against.
    No, rather than be thankful and assimilate, she’s using fake islamaphobia and our constitution to divide and conquer.

  12. ‘Muslims’ are only half way decent neighbors,
    Just a question, have you ever been to a re-franchised K-Mart?
    Talking ’bout 17 years ago.
    Childish commenters on Amazon piss me off on their ‘did not watch this for a minute’ reviews. They need to try and breath visiting one of these.
    I loved Omar on “The wire’.
    No other Omar than that exists.

  13. Omar’s remark at CAIR is a dog-whistle for “Let’s play COWBOYS & MOSLEMS.” Careful what you wish for, sister.

    Wait, this comes out of a US Congresswoman’s mouth?
    I’d say she doesn’t belong in America, much less Congress.

  14. “For far too long, we have lived with the discomfort of living as second class citizens and I’m tired of it.”

    For a minute there I thought she was talking about Muslim women – until she said she was tired of it.

  15. So judge Jeanine was right she holds the koran and islam above the CONSTITUTION. She and her sunni muslim constituents need to be sent to to a predominantly shia country like azbaizan or pakistan. if they won’t go there then they get a swimming lesson in the mid Atlantic

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