Muslim Gangs Staking Out Territory In SW Sydney Neighborhoods – IOTW Report

Muslim Gangs Staking Out Territory In SW Sydney Neighborhoods

Breitbart London 

Christians in Sydney, Australia, are being advised to hide their crosses after an Arabic-speaking gang shouting “F*** Jesus!” attacked a couple on a train while transport officers looked on from a “safe space” and did nothing.


If only there was a way for private citizens in Australia to defend themselves, but there isn’t

12 Comments on Muslim Gangs Staking Out Territory In SW Sydney Neighborhoods

  1. all Christians better start packing heat if they expect to come out alive in this latest muslim crusade to conquer the world.

    muslims have told us what the options are, convert, die or pay up.

  2. No goods comes from the domestication of animals. These animals maintain their wild, uncivilized traits and will always be prone to violence and soiling themselves and the carpet.

    They require periodic lead injections to be trained to behave.

  3. The Reverend is a great example of the problem. ” If this keeps up someones going to get hurt ” No Shit , Ya Think !
    Wipe the slime from your Eyes Civilized world !!!

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