Muslim Man Rapes 10 Year-Old Boy – His Defense Is Pure Islam – IOTW Report

Muslim Man Rapes 10 Year-Old Boy – His Defense Is Pure Islam

The guy rapes a 10 year-old boy and he’s amazed he’s arrested.

“This is not a crime in my country,” he explains to authorities.

The boy’s father, also a Muslim, burst into the room as the man was laying on top of the face down boy with his pants down. The father said, hilariously, “you are an adult, what are you doing with this child?”

The question implies that anal sex between 2 adult men would be understandable.




19 Comments on Muslim Man Rapes 10 Year-Old Boy – His Defense Is Pure Islam

  1. The piece of puke was most fortunate to be found by another piece of puke….which is probably the only reason the first piece of puke is still sucking up oxygen.

  2. From the article:

    “‘There is a need for specific deterrence … The offence appears to have been (viewed) as being culturally acceptable conduct in the offender’s childhood,’ Judge Scotting said.”

    Well, apparently sawing someone’s head off for any “reason” appears to be culturally acceptable in his homeland as well. The Aussies should provide him with this culturally acceptable practice as the “specific deterence”.

  3. It is unfathomable to sit back and watch a high percentage of assholes make excuses for unbelievable, unforgiveable and unimaginable violations against humans.
    The more these asswipes defend the indefensible, the more I stand ready for the next monumental revolution.

  4. “Podestarasty”

    Pederasty + Podesta

    A newly coined word describing John Podesta’s sordid sexual escapades with little boys.

    Needs John’s picture next to the definition in the dictionary.

  5. ^^^ forgot to include this in above post ^^^

    wz_tspc April 3, 2017 at 1:32 am

    And they through queers off of buildings?

    How do SWAPs think Podestarasty is better than being gay?

  6. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

    Pederasty is the pinnacle of homosexuality.
    The corruption of the innocents is proceeding apace, and we seem to be unable to impede its perverted course and/or trajectory.

    The capture of education (by the Godless, Statist/Totalitarians) over the past 100 years, or so, seems to have been effective.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Again….

    It’s sharia legal (ie…non-homo) to bugger a child or as a child to get buggered….

    The rub is that when you turn into an adult you can neither be the bugger or the buggee….because sharia law will deem you a homo and give you flying lessons off the nearest tall building and if you survive the flying lessons….you get to play rock baseball.

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