Muslim Man’s Motive For Stabbing People Still Mystifies German Police – IOTW Report

Muslim Man’s Motive For Stabbing People Still Mystifies German Police

PJ Media

German authorities are baffled: a knife-wielding man, identified in the German media as “Jibril A.,” stabbed three people to death and injured five others in Würzburg, Germany, on Friday. Police and intelligence officials have no idea why he did it. Yes, he was screaming, “Allahu akbar!” during his attacks, and yes, he told police interrogators after he was arrested that he had now carried out his “jihad,” but really, what does that even mean? The German-language Tagesspiegel reported Saturday that “the motive for the fatal knife attack in Würzburg on Friday has still not been fully clarified.” Of course it hasn’t. After all, Islam is a religion of peace!


22 Comments on Muslim Man’s Motive For Stabbing People Still Mystifies German Police

  1. Will/can someone here ‘splain to me the difference between being mentally disturbed and being on a jihad to kill and/or maim all non-muslims??
    All those MP-5s and loaded magazines – and no bullet holes in the screaming, homicidal perp. Could that be a sign of mental disturbance or confusion??

  2. “I will kill infidels because Allah commands it.”
    “I will kill you, infidel, because Allah commands it.”
    “I am killing you, infidel, because Allah commands it.”
    “I killed the infidel because Allah commanded it.”

    I wonder why this Muslim guy killed the that other guy. I’ll probably never know.

  3. Has anyone noticed that more and more of the former Western Civilization police appear to be mohammedans?
    Our overlords needed these people, who will have no qualms about crushing dissent of kuffur, to be the new gestapo for their Brave New World.
    Hence, all those military age “refugees”(without accompanying old people, women and children) that our elitist overlords have been flooding the West with.


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