Muslim Professor in Canada Convicted of Paris Synagogue Bombing – IOTW Report

Muslim Professor in Canada Convicted of Paris Synagogue Bombing

Geller Report: 43 years after the bombing of the Rue Copernic synagogue in Paris during Shabbat services on October 3, 1980 that killed four people and injured 46 others, a university lecturer in Canada, Hassan Diab, has been convicted of the crime. Diab didn’t attend the trial and scorned the proceedings, and powerful people in Canada, up to and including Justin Trudeau, have spoken out in his defense. Nonetheless, he has been sentenced in Paris to life in prison, and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Canada may fight any attempt to extradite him. The case of Hassan Diab is a parable of our times.

Canada’s state-funded CBC reported Friday that after the verdict, Diab “expressed disappointment and called his situation ‘Kafkaesque.’” He added: “We hoped reason would prevail,” and said that it was “still devastating to know they pursued that biased road which led to the unfortunate decision.” more

9 Comments on Muslim Professor in Canada Convicted of Paris Synagogue Bombing

  1. As far as I can tell it’s a bullshit story. What evidence? It wasn’t there in the article. They try the cunt and give no evidence, and yet the other side whines without giving evidence expulcating the massive homo cunt of wrongdoing.

    So what is it? Journalistic rubbish.

  2. Trials in absentia have historically ALWAYS been politically motivated. Full of agenda driven hot air with minimal if any evidence. However….if the person in question WAS in fact a member of the PLFA it’s a certainty that he is guilty of having been involved in terrorism in some fashion. Tough call on this one. I don’t agree with trials in absentia. I also know that arabs don’t join terrorist organizations to learn how to knit.

  3. 1) If Turdette & the CBC are on the persons side, You know the bastard is Guilty.

    2) France has a HUGE number of Muslim people. Convicting Hi Profile cases in France usually results is a HELL of a lot of street Violence. It is doubtful that they would stir up a hornet’s nest for no reason.


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