Muslim removed from plane – IOTW Report

Muslim removed from plane

ARABIC-SPEAKING passenger who heard conversation of Muslim who was removed from plane says his comments were THREATENING.

if you see something say something gov

Pamela Geller: According to the enemedia: “Yet again, a Muslim passenger was removed from a flight because his presence set off alarm bells.”

Yeah, right. More faked hate. Islamofauxbia theatre.

Over at the Puff Ho: Flying While Muslim or Arab: Know Your Rights As An Airline Passenger. InshAllah.

Here’s what really happened and what you won’t read about in the mainstream.

more here

12 Comments on Muslim removed from plane

  1. All this talk of tossing the pedophilia practitioner out of an in-flight aircraft. Have you no compassion? The pressurization issues are so bothersome to the non-goat adoring flyers. Equip aircraft with a top down access port to a special holding tank. Place the human debris (moozlum) in the tank, depressurize the tank, and dump. I see an opportunity for a Go-Pro camera here, too.

  2. I have switched to Ham sandwiches in my lunch.
    That way if a terrorist attack occurs near me, the one I get my hands on will be treated to my sandwich; jammed down his throat, and I will help him swallow said sandwich by stomping it home. Then I will commence to giving that bastard some New York City CPR
    If he revives I will interrogate him using my new Urine-Boarding technique

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