Muslim Says Muslims Are Undermining Counterterrorism – IOTW Report

Muslim Says Muslims Are Undermining Counterterrorism



“Islamist” Muslim groups and community leaders hinder the fight against terror and are interested only in presenting Muslims “as victims” Britain’s most prominent Muslim lawyer has said.

In an interview with the Times, Nazir Afzal warned that British Muslim organisations are “undermining” attempts to counter terrorism in the UK by spreading misinformation to discredit Prevent, the government’s anti-radicalisation programme.

Among groups Afzal accused of lying about Prevent to discredit the counter-radicalisation programme are Islamist support group Cage, which has been described as a “terrorism advocacy group” by veteran journalist Andrew Gilligan, and Prevent Watch, a “community-based initiative” that supports “communities impacted by Prevent”.

Cage’s outreach director Moazzam Begg, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee who signed a confession admitting to having been an al-Qaeda recruiter, likened Islamic extremists to the Suffragettes at a 2015 event opposing the Prevent programme.

“Sadly, there’s an industry which is trying to undermine Prevent. Some of them don’t like anything that’s state-sponsored and some of them are Islamists”, Afzal said.

“Prevent is simply safeguarding. When we’re asking people to identify victims of child sexual abuse by looking for signs, it’s the same thing for radicalisation. Look for the signs. If you’re concerned, share those concerns with somebody and then if they come to fruition we can provide some support. It’s not about criminalising.”


The “good” Muslim is the guy who holds you down as the “bad” Muslim cuts off your head.

10 Comments on Muslim Says Muslims Are Undermining Counterterrorism

  1. It’s become obvious that Trucks Kill! We need to ban all trucks over a typical van size. NO vans with 8 cylinder engines because they can accelerate faster and kill more innocents. We need to keep trucks out of our cities. They are faster and use gasoline, which everyone knows pollutes the earth and will cause asthma for out kids, so only small car diesels for now on to transport our goods, according to us Regressive elites.

    Those big bad gasoline engines look scary and have so much power and have the same killing capacity as a semiautomatic AR15 that shoots one round per pull.
    Let’s go further to avoid the killing. We need to take back our cities and transport goods by horse/mule and buggy into out cities. We can’t risk our children to truck violence! Remember, it’s not the drivers that would commit violence, it is only the Trucks!
    Thank God Trucks are not in the Bill of Rights Amendment. Us Regressives have no intent about infringing your rights. Conservatives and independents should have no problem banning them! Remember, it’s all about protecting our children.

    Your Nearest Regressive
    p.s. How many kids died in that Manchester bombing again? I want to be “Open Minded”.

  2. Stop Trying to Listen to these guys, it’s all the same Trap Recycled over and over. Don’t try to understand them either, it will Never make sense.
    Ther’es a Reason they live a void Dustbin , Nobody in History Has Wanted Muslims Living outside of their Habitat !
    The Desert is Supposed to be Their Prison !!!

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