Muslim Stomped to Death in Glasgow by Muslims – IOTW Report

Muslim Stomped to Death in Glasgow by Muslims

Some tweets will get a person fired, other will get the sender killed.



Mr. Asad Shah, owner of Shah’s Health and Fitness was set upon by two men after tweeting out a Good Friday message.


I wonder if this will end up in front of a Sharia Court?  After all, its an incident among Muslims.






14 Comments on Muslim Stomped to Death in Glasgow by Muslims

  1. It sounds like he was trying to convert. See that Obama? You still have a chance to repent and follow Jesus Christ and not horrid Marxist, Dibolical narcissism in that brain of yours.

  2. Why are there moslems in Glasgow?

    Don’t the moslems know that the first Scottish King was descended from Noah – and therefore – a Jew?

    Thus – all Scots are Krypto-Jews?
    (hence – their tightness with money)

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. What’s it going to take to make the left realize that, for their own survival, they have to deport every single rag head while they can. Muslims are a cancer. The longer you wait to face it the more it’s going to cost and chances of success are going to plummet. Rag heads figured that out, what’s it going to take for the Christian world to figure it out?

  4. Mr. Shah tried to do the right thing and got stomped to death for his troubles. That should put any more “right thinking” Muslims
    back in the closet for the rest of their lives
    If the bad guy is tried and convicted in a Scotish Court there may be some chance, but if he is tried and aquited in a Sharia Court?

  5. “I wonder if this will end up in front of a Sharia Court? After all, its an incident among Muslims.”

    Looks like it DID end up in Shariah court.

  6. Look. We finally find the “good Muslim” they’re always talking about and he gets stomped to death by his fellow travelers. RIP Mr. Shah. Thanks for trying.

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