Muslim Suing Because She Was Terminated For Not Being Able To Fulfill Her Job Requirements – IOTW Report

Muslim Suing Because She Was Terminated For Not Being Able To Fulfill Her Job Requirements

Ask her to make a cake for a gay wedding.


The Muslim flight attendant placed on unpaid leave last year after refusing to serve alcohol in accordance with her religion is now suing her employer. Charee Stanley of Detroit says Georgia-based airline ExpressJet was initially quite accommodating of her religious beliefs when she converted to Islam in 2013, even granting her request to wear a hijab to work. But when she became aware that “the Islamic proscription on consuming alcohol also extended to the act of serving alcohol to others” in 2015, she says she asked her employer if other flight attendants could serve alcohol in her place, reports the Guardian.

ExpressJet agreed, Stanley says—until a coworker complained. Stanley says the airline then told her to serve alcohol or resign, eventually placing her on unpaid leave in August. She was “on track for eventual termination for her requesting an accommodation of being allowed to not personally serve alcohol rather than abandoning her religious belief and practice,” reads the lawsuit, filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, per the New York Daily News. Stanley wants her job back, plus economic, emotional, and punitive damages. ExpressJet says it “values diversity” but can’t comment on ongoing litigation, per the AP.


29 Comments on Muslim Suing Because She Was Terminated For Not Being Able To Fulfill Her Job Requirements

  1. “But when she became aware that “the Islamic proscription on consuming alcohol also extended to the act of serving alcohol to others”.”

    So she served alcohol prior to becoming “aware” of this “fact?”

    If she had any integrity, she would have resigned at that point.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This the one religion that can’t figure out how to co-exist (to co-opt a lib term) with the rest of the world. They won’t stop using the courts against us until Sharia law is implemented world wide.

  3. Muslim suing for the rest of the year before the game is on the other hand the whole thing was that I can get the hang of it and it will not be able to see the point of having to wait until you get the chance for the first place in my head hurts so bad but I can’t even play with my friends and family members to get a new phone and my friends are so much better now than ever before in my head hurts so bad but the best thing about it is not the same as the most important and I love it when you have to go back to sleep.

  4. This is from last week. Bint interviewed dressed like a run of the mill American, got hired, and on day three she decided to spring her shroud-wearing. She says she was shown the door. Not The dentist’s attempt at accommodation just wouldn’t do:

    We only asked Ms. Khan to wear a separate clean hijab (office worn only) or wear a sanitary head cover over her hijab while seeing patients in the office just like we require all employees to wear scrubs and not street clothes in the office when treating patients. Ms. Khan did not find this suitable and she then walked out on her own accord.

  5. So, just being black is no longer paying off well enough? Add another immunity entitlement to your profile and you’ve got an impenetrable shield. Sure seems to be a lot of negro conversions lately.

    It’s the new scam.

  6. You CANNOT ask a muslim to serve alcohol because it’s against their religious(cult) belief, but it’s OK to force Christians to perform marriages of perverts, bake their cakes, cater their weddings and kill babies.
    Watch the progressive court system, this will come to pass.

  7. Kombucha is typically between 1 and 2 percent alcohol, sometimes less, but most all kombucha has alcohol. Kombucha is considered halal and consumed by muslims.

    Reminds me of that vegan celebrity (her name escapes me at the moment) who enjoys only a little bit of bacon sometimes. Either way, you still need to slaughter the whole damn pig to get “a little bit.”

    The west sells <1% ABV kombucha as non alcoholic because it's non-inebriating. Somehow I get the feeling muslims definition of halal is formed in part by western influence.. you know, where the infidels are.

  8. That shit eating smile reminds me of how phony Hillary is.
    Learn to clap like a seal and wave, and she could be the first woman Muslim president.
    That day might come sooner than we can imagine.

  9. She was hired to preform a certain skill set, but now after her coming out as a devotee of Islam she was removed from the team over her refusal to perform a hired task? …. I’m okay with that. Maybe her ‘agent’ can get her a job flying out of Turkey.

  10. She has taken the contrary choice just to be annoying.
    If her religion prevents her from serving alcohol. If she had any common sense, or a desire to use it, she would have to conclude her religion prevents her from continuing to hold that job. However, what her religion teaches her is to be a PITA.

  11. I’d fire the HR person working this case too. If you’re HR and don’t know how to legally engineer any ass out the door without them having recourse on the employer, you’re stealing your paycheck.

  12. I wish I were the judge . . . You were hired to do a job, you converted to an ideology that doesn’t allow you to perform that job and you are choosing your ideology over your job. Case closed, now pay the airline its attorney’s fees and GTFO of my courtroom.

  13. Companies need to have a sub-rosa CAIR caliber meeting (meaning a big tent inclusion) and all agree to construct clear terms of employment so people can NOT continue to distort the social fabric or be sued into bankruptcy.

    Either everyone is special, and we’ll all be able to wear a colander on the head to get a gov ID AND footbaths with paid time for prayer, or no one does. I’ve come to describe this lawfare as social sedition, and it’s gotta go.

  14. But Rosalind, haven’t you heard? We’re all special, some of us are just more special than others and aren’t worth the trouble of hiring. They are duplicitous and litigious. Great effin’ combo. Save yourself some heartache and don’t hire them. You may become the next business-wrecking step on the way to sharear.

  15. Her “reasonable request” to not serve alcohol, but have other attendants serve it places an undue burden on her co-workers. They have to work harder because of her religion. Riiight.

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