Muslim Suspected of Welfare Fraud Says “My Name Is F*ck America” – IOTW Report

Muslim Suspected of Welfare Fraud Says “My Name Is F*ck America”

A woman who, the videographer claims, was once caught getting nothing but soda with her EBT and selling the haul to a gas station, shows how good a job the left has done in indicting America in classrooms.

When confronted she starts spewing the leftist lines that we stole the country from Indians and we had slaves… therefore she is justified.

Good going left!!!

You morons.

See video HEREscreen-shot-2016-09-29-at-9-14-51-pm

10 Comments on Muslim Suspected of Welfare Fraud Says “My Name Is F*ck America”

    1. Muslim men don’t want to work. It is the job of women and children to work.
    2. Muslim men think it’s perfectly fine for infidels to work to pay them not to work.
    3. Muslim men perfer to walk around all day in their white dresses monitoring the morality and behavior of other muslims in their no-go zones.
    4. Wives are sent out to take advantage of as much free shit they can from the infidels. Stand in line, fill out paperwork etc.
    5. Muslim men believe where ever they trod, whatever property they own, that is MUSLIM LAND FOREVER. It is OCCUPIED TERRITORY whether they actually erect a mosque on it or not it makes no differece, it is conquered land from the infidels.
    6. They don’t care about getting along with anyone, they care about establishing their own muslim zone with their own people and laws.

    They are absolutely from top-to-bottom opposed to western culture and desire to cash in and destroy it from within.

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