Muslim woman becomes first ever student to be allowed to wear a hijab beneath her uniform at America’s oldest private military college – IOTW Report

Muslim woman becomes first ever student to be allowed to wear a hijab beneath her uniform at America’s oldest private military college

Will she shoot at Muslims? Or just Jews hiding behind rocks and trees?


  • Sana Hamze doesn’t see herself as a pioneer, though she has just broken a barrier at the nation’s oldest private military college, Norwich University
  • Hamze, 18, is the first woman allowed to wear a Muslim headscarf beneath her military uniform at the Vermont institution
  • Her lifelong dream is to continue her family’s legacy of military and public service while staying true to her devout religious beliefs
  • Hamze asked for a uniform accommodation to wear the hijab when she was applying to colleges earlier this year, which The Citadel denied
  • Norwich, one of the nation’s six senior military colleges, agreed to make the accommodation
  • Hamze’s great-grandmother was in the Air Force and two of her grandparents met while serving in the Navy in Puerto Rico  

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26 Comments on Muslim woman becomes first ever student to be allowed to wear a hijab beneath her uniform at America’s oldest private military college

  1. Staying true to her devout religious beliefs is contrary to the US Military and the Oath taken to serve our Nation.
    Her great-grandmother and grand parents should know better than support anyone who chooses to serve satan, his pedophile false prophet and enemy of the US.
    Disgusting display by Norwich.

  2. She looks more proud wearing a hajib than wearing the uniform. Put her on the front lines with ISIS. Let’s see if they let her keep wearing it after they make her their sex slave.

  3. I’m glad that Hudson High, Canoe U, the Air Force Academy, Virginia Military Institute and the Citadel don’t have their heads up their asses like Norwich does. I thought Norwich would have better sense than that.

  4. I think now would be a good time to start
    fasting, while wearing a sackcloth and throwing ashes
    on ourselves and beg God for forgiveness.
    Either that or He can just let the asteroid hit anytime now.

  5. Maybe Norwich will start training muslim pilots or have semester classes for Female submission and beating, Pedophilia 101, beheading 201, Rape 301 or just plain world domination by false prophets.

  6. Fuck! To think that any ONE cocksucker, Obunghole the Mutherfucker, could single-handedly destroy this nation is unfathomable. It’s beyond obvious that there are powers beyond the norm that are at work. We ALL know George Soros the cocksucker is behind most of this.
    I am ready for the revolution and I will be more than happy to join the legions of true Americans that are ready to eliminate the scourge, the scum, the vile, the putrid, the rancid, the corrupt and the pestilence that threatens our honest, bona fide and ethical way of life.
    THEY are doing their damnedest to destroy Conservatism, I am more than ready to counter with their abrupt, underhanded, in-your-face tactics. It’s the only thing they understand.
    Where do I sign up??

  7. Muslims have no loyalty or allegiance to any nation, only to Muhammed.
    Muslims have no loyalty or allegiance to any government unless that government is Sharia. They will side with Islam always. They have no place in our military, and no place in our Government. To allow them in is suicide.

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