Muslima Leaves Islam, Gets Stranded In Bangkok – IOTW Report

Muslima Leaves Islam, Gets Stranded In Bangkok

Fearing that her family would murder her, Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun escaped from Kuwait to Thailand.
al Qunun intended to connect to Australia, where she intended to seek asylum, but a Saudi diplomat who met her at the Bangkok airport confiscated her passport. Stranded and nearly forced on to a flight back to Kuwait, al-Qunun bulked and has managed to barricade herself in an airport hotel room.

This morning the Thai government has vowed not to deport the young woman, though Thailand has no treaty obligation to provide her sanctuary. al-Qunun has stated her male relatives intend to kill her for renouncing Islam. More

4 Comments on Muslima Leaves Islam, Gets Stranded In Bangkok

  1. Word is that she wanted to become a christian…this means she will be shunned by every Leftist entity in the world until Islam finishes her quest for freedom and life. I have , in my past, dealt with these issues and it never ends well , except for the Texan who had himself shipped home by freight..

  2. I love this girl!
    Dear Heavenly Father, I pray a supernatural hedge of protection over this girl, your daughter. I thank you for giving her a courageous spirit and a heart that longs to be free. Cover her and shield her from the enemy, Lord. Anoint her with your favor, in order that anyone with authority over her situation will be helpful, merciful and kind to her. Thank you Jesus for giving your life for this girl. We praise your holy name and thank you, in advance, for her freedom. Thank you that she will have an opportunity to tell the whole world what a mighty God you are! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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