Muslims and The Left- Why Are They Bedfellows? – IOTW Report

Muslims and The Left- Why Are They Bedfellows?

“I have long wondered why it is that the American left supports unfettered Muslim immigration to America. I am beginning to understand. The American left shares many of the cultural values of the Middle East, including the practice of brutalizing anyone who openly disagrees with them. Antifa is the glaring example of that.”

Read more:

ht/ mighty mojo

16 Comments on Muslims and The Left- Why Are They Bedfellows?

  1. That American Thinker writer is slooooow on the uptake.
    But good that he finally “gets” it.

    Even homos in a number of Western countries are “getting” it.
    (NO, not getting THAT…”getting” the whole beheading thing)

    This WILL be ugly and painful,
    but I am confident we/the West/the Right will win.

  2. My Great Grandmother Elsie who as one of Oregon’s first female Ministers, used to constantly warn me of the horrible Muslim’s of the Middle East. I was only 6 or 7 but ill never forget it !!!

  3. My Great Grandmother Elsie , was one of Oregon’s first Female Ministers.
    When we visited her , she would constantly warn me about the horrible Muslims of the Middle East between her Hymns ! I was only 6 or 7 but I never forgot about those horrible people !!!

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