Muslims Believe Monkey’s Actions Warranted Killing Humans in Retaliatory Strike – IOTW Report

Muslims Believe Monkey’s Actions Warranted Killing Humans in Retaliatory Strike

I feel as if I’m using the term “human” much too loosely here. These Muslim tribes seem to think a monkey is an adequate proxy for humans.

The left seems to think we need this imported into the United States. It’s why they lost, and will continue to lose, as long as they champion this savagery.

Mrs. O’Learihawi’s Cow

TRIPOLI (Reuters) – At least 16 people died and 50 were wounded in Libya in four days of clashes between rival factions in the southern city of Sabha, a health official said on Sunday.

According to residents and local reports, the latest bout of violence erupted between two tribes after an incident in which a monkey that belonged to a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa tribe attacked a group of schoolgirls who were passing by.

The monkey pulled off one of the girls’ head scarf, leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe to retaliate by killing three people from the Gaddadfa tribe as well as the monkey, according to a resident who spoke to Reuters.


Political monkeys must be wiped out before they take over the Suleiman tribe with their superior intellect

By Sunday, Sabha Medical Centre had received the bodies of 16 people killed in the clashes and some 50 wounded, said a spokesman for the center.

“There are women and children among the wounded and some foreigners from sub-Saharan African countries among those killed due to indiscriminate shelling,” he said.

ht/ lead salad

24 Comments on Muslims Believe Monkey’s Actions Warranted Killing Humans in Retaliatory Strike

  1. Gee isn’t Libya where Obama and Clinton first tried out their incredibly successful foreign policy that led directly to Egypt then to Syria and the disasters that followed both of those as well as the humbling of America in the eyes of most of the world? Say what you want but I’ll bet this particular idiocy wouldn’t have happened if Obama had stayed out.

  2. Yup, just as I thought, the snowflakes are having a conniption over General Mattis. “Oh the awful things he says.”
    Sheppy Smith want’s to know where he got the name “Mad Dog.”
    From his men Sheppy, just like old “blood n’ guts” Patton got his.
    Damn Sheppy, do you know anyfuckinthing?

  3. Poor Sheepy needed to take several pee-pee breaks while transmitting this news. The Marine Corps mascot is a bull dog, imagine that animal foaming at the mouth and madder than hell.

    Now you know where mad dog comes from.

    Sweper Fi!

  4. The bleeding heart libtard faction of the left must think all they have to when savages arrive on our shores is sprinkle rainbow dust on the barbarians, hand them coloring books and lots of benefits then they will magically become civilized and joyfully assimilate.

  5. LOLOLOL. I feel bad for that monkey. Only.

    In any other culture, the people would be laughing and saying, “awww that cheeky lil monkey!”
    But nooooo not the muslims. Tribal retardation. Every thing is an insult, blasphemy, a trick. This is superstitious, non educated society at its finest.

  6. that monkey is a national hero now. someone needs to get a #LibyaHarambe or #TripoliHarambe meme going for his heroic help and effort in thinning the heard over there.



    hey, hey, we’re the monkeys

  7. In original story was the line “on the second day of fighting, violence escaladed to include tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons”. Other heavy weapons???? Gee,once tanks are involved you don’t get more heavy unless you can call in B52’s and carpet home the them!!
    And the Democrats want to import this madness here!!!!

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