Muslims enraged at Banana Republic over models in hijabs wearing clothes “not in line with Islamic dress codes” – IOTW Report

Muslims enraged at Banana Republic over models in hijabs wearing clothes “not in line with Islamic dress codes”

Jihad Watch:

The Banana Republic retail chain has now joined Macy’s and Nike in selling the hijab, a garment that is intended to cover up women, who are deemed to be of inferior in Islam, and responsible for preventing men to be tempted by covering themselves. And although Banana Republic decided to be “inclusive,” (not to mention to try to boost profit margins), its managers are being treated as dhimmis; i.e. inferiors and servants.

The company now faces a dressing down, no pun intended. Banana Republic “faces backlash from the Islamic community for showing models in hijabs dressed in short-sleeved t-shirts and other clothing not in line with Islamic dress codes.” How dare they! Banana Republic was expected to wise up and adhere to Islamic rules for women’s coverings, which it did. In a slap in the face to all female victims of Islamic supremacism, Banana Republic has now “removed images that were deemed offensive” to the Western “mullahs.”


17 Comments on Muslims enraged at Banana Republic over models in hijabs wearing clothes “not in line with Islamic dress codes”

  1. Wow, what a great hijab!
    Makes you look so much more inferior and servantly.
    Shame, as well, it keeps you from a personal hygiene schedule.
    I think I’ll call you Stinky,,,

  2. That woman has a kind of I’m dumb look on her face. Same in every picture.
    You watch, Banana Republic, one of Shelly O’s faves, will photoshop the pics to put neck high black tops on them.

    Funny them pandering to muslims. If muslims get a hold of this country it will be a banana republic.


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