Muslims kidnap head of “Believers Without Borders,” carve “Islam Without Borders” onto his back with a knife – IOTW Report

Muslims kidnap head of “Believers Without Borders,” carve “Islam Without Borders” onto his back with a knife

Jihad Watch: The torturers carved the words “Islam Without Borders” into his back with a knife.

We are, of course, much more enlightened in the West. We don’t jail people for insulting Islam. We simply excoriate them as “racists” and “Islamophobes,” ostracize them from polite society, and rejoice when they’re deplatformed by the social media giants. We are much more advanced in the West.

“Head of ‘Believers Without Borders’ Kidnapped in Jordan After ‘Insulting Islam,’” AlBawaba, November 11, 2018:

It was a busy weekend for Jordan. Around 12 people; including children, died in flash floods and a suspicious disappearance of the head of ‘Mominoun’ (‘Believers Without Borders’) appeared to be kidnapped, assaulted and has now been accused of blasphemy.

The Secretary General of the “Mominoun [Believers] Without Borders” Centre for Research, Younis Qandil, was found early on Saturday abandoned in one of the forests and tied with clear signs of torture and physical abuse.

According to local media reports, Qandil was attacked by three gunmen who kidnapped him from his car. He was then taken to a forest where he was stripped of his clothes and slashed on the back with a knife. more here


10 Comments on Muslims kidnap head of “Believers Without Borders,” carve “Islam Without Borders” onto his back with a knife

  1. Nothing to see here folks….. lone wolf(s), isolated event.

    Islam is evil and needs to be eradicated.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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