Must Be Seen To Be Believed – Christians Tossed Out of Homosexual’s Coffee Shop Because Christians Make Him Feel Uncomfortable – IOTW Report

Must Be Seen To Be Believed – Christians Tossed Out of Homosexual’s Coffee Shop Because Christians Make Him Feel Uncomfortable

Christians might make this guy feel uncomfortable, but Christ doesn’t, because in his rant he says that he’d like to “f*** Christ in *** *** because Christ “is hot.”

This guy is completely off the rails.

He says he has a right to be offended, and once he’s offended he can ask anyone to leave.

The same right, apparently, is not afforded by a baker who is not interested in participating in a gay marriage.

ht/ Tim


35 Comments on Must Be Seen To Be Believed – Christians Tossed Out of Homosexual’s Coffee Shop Because Christians Make Him Feel Uncomfortable

  1. The Lord will not be mocked !
    How can this degenerate get away with this
    when a Christian cake lady and her husband
    get racked thru the coals and fined some $135k
    for not baking a Sodom cake.

  2. Sounds like a good lawsuit to me, if bakers can be sued for not serving fags and dykes because of beliefs, then this fag can be sued for refining service because of beliefs.

  3. “The Barista ran up the stairs to alert the owner to our presence”,….HUH?…..I got two tires put on my truck by a 5’4″ former lady armwrastlin’ champ from Nebraska…..While I waited, I had to go up the street to have biscuits and gravy with a side of bacon, sour dough toast with jelly, served by a Delta Burke look alike with various veins pretubing from the calf area of her legs….not a rush hour for miles. Hell, we talked about guns and Trump….both places!!!…

  4. There are homosexuals everywhere. I can coexist with them. Angry militant faggots I will not.
    God knows what they put in your covfefe?
    Or food.

    That dude deserved an ass kicking.

    Incidentally I saved myself right there for editing. Auto correct changed kicking to licking. I’d never be able to live that one down. Whew.

  5. my response “If I fuck my girlfriend in the ass on your table are you going to sit here and tolerate it?”

    No. Would be the response. Women have assholes too; blatant sexist.

  6. I’d leave because I couldn’t trust that my food or drink wouldn’t be adulterated. They are not trustworthy with all that hate in them. Another example of the left’s fascistic ways.

    I would also tell them that I and God love them as I leave.

  7. What would he do if some bushy faced Muzztard walked in his establishment wearing a man dress & pants holding a Koran and talking about Moe-ham-id.

    Would he tell that fellow to leave? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    And, I concur with everyone else- if the Baker, Florist and photographer have to service a gay wedding this turd popper has to service Christians.

  8. Dadof4,
    “I would also tell them that I and God love them as I leave.”

    Really? I’d tell them to shuv it to their face and on Yelp.

    As a creature of God yourself, you have a right to push back against what God doesn’t see right Himself.

    This situation was not right and certainly with no love involved other than wanting to jam his BF on the floor in front of patrons. It’s a far stretch for what I consider God to call love.

  9. Seattle. Not exactly in my orbit. Faggy coffee shops. Not in my orbit either.
    I’ll just sit in the recliner.
    If you’re passing by, can you bring me a cup?

  10. He may have the “right” to not serve you, but he also has the right to go bankrupt very quickly when word gets around among the non-gays about this asshat’s idea of “service”.
    Payback can be a bitch. And Karma is a street that runs in both directions.

  11. Militant deviants were the last straw for the Lord in old testement of the Holy Bible. They even hit on the two angels sent to destroy them in Sodom and Gomorrah – Genesis 19. There is a limit to God’s grace and mercy – Romans 1:18-32.
    The young Christian had good intentions and no wisdom. If you’re going into a lions den, you better have been sent by God or you’ll be devoured.

  12. The way I look at it?

    A public far right group goes into a public far left establishment, and is surprised their shit get’s pushed in.

    You wanna carry that shit on your shoulders and shove it into people’s faces, you better be ready for blow back.

  13. Yes, eternal cracker p, I would. It occurred to me many years ago that hate changes no heart. That Jesus wasn’t kidding when he said love your enemy and show him kindness. Let vengeance be God’s thing. They weren’t trying to kill anyone, so self defense wasn’t even in the mix.

    Everyone has a chance at eternal life with God. Why would they turn to God if hatred is all they get?

    Also, I learned the lesson of Proverbs 9:7 AFTER I made an enemy here for doing exactly what it said not to do.

  14. I think this group of Christians handled the situation perfectly. They were calm, full of grace, with a few touches of wry humor thrown in. Otherwise, this could have escalated to something very, very bad. Agree with Dadof4 in that pushing back with anger or hate never wins anyone over. It just furthers the divide, and Satan uses it against both sides of the issue – whatever that issue may be. I also understand eternal cracker p’s attitude of taking a stand. I just don’t see this as a good fall on your sword moment.

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