Must See Trump Campaign Ad – IOTW Report

Must See Trump Campaign Ad

The Best Is Yet To Come

26 Comments on Must See Trump Campaign Ad

  1. Possibly since Lincoln, truer words have never been spoken by a President in my lifetime.

    Arise, America, Arise. Return to your Godly roots, return to the founding fathers vision of a free Republic. Arise, America, Arise.

  2. “The Best Is Yet To Come’
    Not if Libtards have anything to say about it. Why is Soros still on American soil?
    Wyatt Earp. Pfff. He was a Libtard. He invented Gun Free Zones and Red Flagged cowboys,

  3. Just what I needed.
    A breath of fresh air in a time turmolt and not knowing what the next week holds.
    GOD has blessed this land and its people.

  4. I loved this video when I first saw it, but this video is old. Like by months.

    Get with the program, people. Trump needs us NOW, not 2 months after the election.

  5. TSUNAMI — Was thinking the same thing!

    Maybe it’s time to have a nation-wide, grassroots, “We Support You, POTUS Trump!” day. Everyone wear masks, everyone keep their prescribed distance and get out there.

  6. I saw a 5 second Trump ad on Youtube today. There was a print blurb stating “BIDEN IS CHINA’S PUPPET” with a wooden-head Biden blathering babble. It hit so hard and went by so fast I couldn’t see who the puppeteer was.


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