Must-see video: A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter – IOTW Report

Must-see video: A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter

h/t NAAC

By Andrea Widburg

Although the mainstream media are utterly silent about it, something very big has been happening in Canada.  Truckers have pushed back against the Canadian government’s mandate that they show electronic proof of vaccination to enter their own country from America.  Canadians are flocking to the truckers’ flag.  In a viral video, a woman named Gina, clearly raised in a former communist country, is seen trying to explain to a condescending Canadian reporter what constitutes freedom.  Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau is planning to make his country even more of a prison for those resisting experimental, useless vaccines.

I’ve written several posts on this subject, so I’ll only briefly summarize them.  The first post is about the fact that the truckers put together a convoy that eventually stretched out a record-breaking 45 miles.  The convoy headed east from Vancouver to Ottawa as a protest against a vaccine mandate that will destroy the livelihood of cross-border (Canada-America) truckers who, for whatever reason, are not vaccinated.  The truckers are cheerful and peaceful, and their inspiring videos show hundreds of people turning out in the bitter Canadian cold to support them.  (Here’s another video showing the convoy’s entry into Ottawa, along with some commentary about what’s happening in Canada.)

The second post discusses how morally obscene the elites’ response is to the truckers.  Justin Trudeau, who was shouting how wonderful truckers were during the height of the panic about the pandemic, now castigates them as a dangerous, violent minority who have no good reason to protest his dictates.  Meanwhile, a Washington Post cartoonist, showing his Orwellian understanding of words, labels as “fascists” the people pushing for less state control and more individual liberty. more

10 Comments on Must-see video: A woman from a communist country explains liberty to a Canadian reporter

  1. My wife grew up in the Soviet Union. She is sickened by what the left is trying to do to America and that so many Americans have been duped into the lie that socialism is a better way. By the way, that smug commie reporter would be wearing that microphone in his ass if he treated me that way.

  2. “We believe in following the law.”

    The Canadian Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has said mandates are not the law, and because mandates are not the law no one can challenge them in court.

    Nice work if you can get it.

    And has been pointed out many times, the Final Solution was the law.

    Then again, the Trudeau Government subsidizes the (friendly) media in Canada.

  3. “What do you mean by freedom?”

    I guess it’s impossible to make a point when the other side doesn’t even know the very thing that’s being fought over.

    These people need to be marched into a slave camp, chained up and labored 24 hours a day without food until all their bones are visible.

    Then ask that questions again. I dare you.

    “That’s not the same thing as taking a vaccine to protect society.”

    Fuck it isn’t. Once you lose bodily autonomy, there’s no difference.

    Then they roll their eyes at you.

    I should be permitted to throat punch them.

  4. Hitler did not gain control by saying “I am going to murder millions of people and make your life Hell on earth.”

    No, he did it by saying “Just do this little thing for the good of society.” Then it was that little thing, then another little thing. And before they knew it, they were in a dictatorship.

    I find it interesting that Germany rescinded the Nuremberg Protocol because it said that informed consent must be given before medical treatment is given.

    And how people can say they experts in the field must be silenced because they spread misinformation is beyond me.

  5. I lived several years of my life under socialist regime before my father took us out of that sh*thole warzone and brought us legally here to the US.
    I can tell you that I am seeing the same narrative, same MO creeping up here, and in most western countries.
    Like here, the elites were untouchable, they and their relatives, family members were able to get away with crimes, even murder.


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