Must Teach the Children all About Perversion – IOTW Report

Must Teach the Children all About Perversion

The good news is, these kids do not take these “adults” seriously.

When the city of New York carts in these mental cases in order to “educate” children about transvestites and transgenders, the kids think these are clowns.

And the kids are right.

Drag Queen Story Hour Puts the Rainbow in Reading

NY Times-

“My name is Harmonica Sunbeam,” the reader said, in a voice used to loud rooms. As a warm-up, she had the children sing “This Land Is Your Land” and then march vigorously in place. “I’m getting you ready for Zumba,” she said to laughter from the over-6 set.

She sat down and read aloud from “Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress” by Christine Baldacchino. The book is about a boy who wore a beloved dress to school every day. At one point, Morris’s friends inform him that he isn’t allowed to play on their imaginary spaceship, because “astronauts can’t wear dresses.”


ht/ WaitForIt

20 Comments on Must Teach the Children all About Perversion

  1. The insane are running the asylum. My kids will not attend on the days when perverts and degenerates roam freely.

    The school districts get money based on attendance so boycotts work with them. The parents that allowed the kids to be there deserve all the crap years later when Johnny is “confused” and all that sh!t.

  2. I’m all for teaching perversion to our young children….the perversion of the left. Teach them all of the perverse methods used by the MSM, perverse and corrupt politicians, and the ways the left wants to perverse the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

  3. Harmonica Sunbeam, my name is Jack Me Off, a privileged deplorable cracker and I’m here to tell you that when surfing an imaginary world anything is possible. Even a russian on the moon wearing a dress.

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