Researchers have discovered a mutation among a family of Amish that live in Indiana that extends their lives by 10 percent, gives them lower rates of diabetes and lowers the risk of vascular aging.
Now that they know of the life-extending properties of this mutation, scientists are working on a drug to deliver the same benefits to the rest of us. More
Must be racist gene. All Amish are white.
I thought the secret to longevity was to not sit on your ass in front of a computer all day and do something physical….
I gotta go for a walk, I think I’ll start by going to the kitchen.
I’m sure the gene only works in tandem with walking everywhere or hitching a horse to get where you are going which means you are feeding the horse, shoveling horse excrement and don’t forget chopping firewood- by hand-.
In short living a life without electricity or fossil fuels and no fast food probably allows the gene to works its magic. For the rest of us it will cause us to grow a third eye on our big left toe.
Page o Turner, Amish are German, not English.
Maybe it’s from an inverted Chromosome 17 – which I hear ether kills you early or gives you unusual longevity and fertility.
What happens under the quilted blanket
STAYS under the quilted blanket.
I think one thing that would help us live longer is to get rid of liberals.
I’ll bet it’s that diet of brains that Amish mutant zombies eat.
It will also make everyone grow a beard.
Working from sun up to sun down is the key. Sitting on your ass all day kills you.
Great. The only people who will be able to afford this drug are exactly the people we don’t want to live any longer (Bill Gates, George Clooney, etc). Please no one tell George Soros about this.
Geeknerd, They’re originally SWISS, and now speak a form of Swiss German…Gruezi!
@Pelopidas, the Amish burn plenty of wood and coal in their homes. The Ohio Amish I know LOVE fast food especially MCDonald’s followed by Wendy’s. They also eat more sugar than anyone I’ve seen outside a cane field.
Geeknerd, Page O Turner didn’t say “English”, he/she said “white”.
The Amish call the non- Amish “English”.
Eugenia, around here they drive tractors as well as buggies and they have gas lights in their homes. I don’t see many eating fast food, but I do see them buying a lot of frozen pizzas and junk food at the grocery store. That’s probably why some of them are getting fat.
There’s two Amish families who live in this community and they have Deliverance type children. Also, they have a rule that if you leave the clan, you aren’t allowed back in. Kinda harsh people if you ask me.
I onced lived in a area where there were large numbers of Amish. They would pile out of the 15 seat Yodertoters, driven by an Engish, to buy groceries like 300 pounds of sugar and flour.
If you saw as many as I have, the adjective “mutant” is apt desription for a small percentage of them. Centuries of inbreeding hasn’t been kind to many of them.
Low stress lifestyle.
One of my grandfathers farmed much as the Amish do today. He lived to 99. My other grandfather worked for the post office. He fell dead of a heart attack at 62. Draw your own conclusion.
It’s not a drug. It’s exercise and diet.
@SMUDGE: So most Germans are actually English?
Fancy that.
English, Germans and Swiss are not the same race. They may all be descended from the same Germanic tribe, but you can’t lump them together as one big “white” race.
sassenach………some of us KNOW…….
@Geeknerd: So what color would you call them?